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Fundraising Ideas

Started by KoopKicka, January 30, 2013, 09:07:10 PM

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Quote from: T Dog on February 04, 2013, 05:34:10 PM
How did it go KK? Any indication of what you might do?

Cheers T-Dog and everyone else, several things have been executed/planned, we are doing a movie night at the local cinema this Wednesday, a quiz night has been organized. Many other fundraisers have been organized.

Thanks guys, any more suggestions wouldnt go astray, however you guys have been a great help.

(PS, I started a page for my own cause,, if you decide to donate (not that any of you will, you dont know me or anyone) please just write Annoymous as my parents will get rather suss. :P


Thanks guys, most of them have been executed, and as a result, we have given 4 youth and 2 adults who wouldnt otherwise have the opportunity to go have that opportunity. It means that 23 of us are going.

The movie night was hugely successful, big thanks to whoever suggested that! :)

T Dog


Well done KK in the fundraising efforts.


Kinda offended you didn't use my idea.