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Not yet gonesky? Horror continues

Started by tbagrocks, June 03, 2013, 05:09:56 PM

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Mark Neeld has been not sacked

roo boys!

No apparently he's safe...some sources say he's gone some say safe. Need to hear something official soon

Wouldn't surprise me though


Melbourne president Don McLardy has just released the following statement.

"To Members and Supporters,

In today


Gee I hate copy paste the same as KB has experienced with this new set up

Basically the article says No further comment will be made at this time regarding the Senior coaching position and Peter Jackson has extended his contract till the end of 2014.


oh lol Ringo i didn't notice it didn't work :o


Darn rumours! Anyway, dead man walking!

Big Mac

What do you think the chances are of the club dumping him before the Saints game? If we could get a win first up with the new coach it would give some hope to the fans, and we would have the Dogs the week after.


I don't think sacking Neeld is the answer. Let him stay till the end of his contract and just be there to develop the players. The kids are still young and they need some regularity. With a new coach, they will need to learn a new game style and will be put even further behind the 8 ball. I for one hope he stays and they keep pushing the current game plan.