Robbie Gray over Daisy??

Started by glynman, May 09, 2013, 11:49:29 AM

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Oh No why did I read this with 19 hours until lockout and 9 of those hours sleeping, I'm stumped on which one to get now


I think you should get Daisy.


After watching every Power game this year, I started the week deadset keen on getting Gray instead of daisy, now after remembering i would have picked daisy in my starting lineup if he was fit, Got to pick Daisy.


I can't get either as i'm grabbing Swallow and downgrading to Vlast. But the only thing that would be stopping me from jumping on Daisy is that he plays Freo this week. Imo he'll be in the top 6 forwards so to get him at that price is pretty tasty, but I still think he'll only rise 20k or maybe even less this week, which still leaves him pretty ripe to grab.
Gray is not a bad option though, and if you wan't some cash for mid upgrades over the next few weeks it would certainly not be the worst idea on the planet.