What to do with Kreuz

Started by havoc, April 17, 2013, 01:11:28 AM

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who relpaces kreuzer

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so like many others i now have to deal with kreuzer this week, but i have the luxury of having 300k in the bank from last weeks correction trades. pretty much means i can get any body and with cox in the forward line can also put him in the ruck and hit up a forward.

Current line Up:

Forward: Cox, Rockliff, Bartel, Martin, JJK, Dwyer (Neade, MacCaffer)

Ruck: Goldstein, Kreuzer (Rowe, Blicavs)


Buddy: top tier forward but with that comes top dollar, and that's money i could use for future upgrades, could potentially get him at a discount if he has a bad game  (though buddy comes up against north in round 5 and he does like to play them)

Maric: Like buddy comes in at top dollar, but IMO a little more consistent (less 150+ games but less 70- games) so less likely to fluctuate in price. Also plays cats/port/demons round 6-8 and could see him going 120+ in all of those as the dominate ruck on the ground.

Leuy: Cheap for his potential, but for a reason as coming back from injury. If he can hit his 2011 form where he averaged 102 (121 after round 15) then there is the real potential for him to become the keeper we all want him to be. (this trade also nets me an additional 176k for the bank)

Westhoff: This guy came out of the blue with some very nice scores. But was it because of improvement or the teams he was against. Melbourne/GWS and an under preforming Adelaide don't make for the hardest of opposition, which makes me weary of bringing him in only for him to go back to averaging 80 again


Yes, I'd cross Westhoff off the list for the time being, but any of the others would be acceptable.  Buddy's starting to get serious, so he'd be the one I'd look at first.


Leuy would be my choice there, esp now that Kreuz is due back in 3-4 weeks instead of 6-8, Luey could make some major money and points in that time, once Kreuz is back then you could trade him back in.


jump on Leuey now. If he doesn't look like becoming a keeper you can bring in Kruez 2 games after coming back when theat score from the weekend brings his price right down.