Watts am i going to do?

Started by prozz710, April 12, 2013, 04:19:16 PM

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So i have to get rid of this bearded mistake, and i have 2 options at the moment and would love your input.

Option 1: (If Vlastuin isnt named)
Vlastuin --> Heath
Watts --> SteveyJ
(Karny out nek week)

Option 2: (If Vlastuin is named)
Watts --> Monfries
Karny --> JJK

Cheers in advance


Probably option 2, wait for Steve j, and Heath may not play.


Considering Richmond are playing quite well atm i wouldn't think they would want to change there team too much, have you looked at Luke Brown from the Crows instead of Heath? i get the feeling heath may be the unlucky player to be dropped this week?


Number 2 id say. Your getting rid of two problems and will most likely bring you a better score this week.