Supercoach Draft Emergencies

Started by Hoggyz_a_legend, March 24, 2013, 10:59:33 AM

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I have Howlett's 164 sitting on my bench, but I'm not sure how the emergencies work.

Can someone explain to me whether or not there is a way for me to get his score onto the ground?


If you don't have him as an emergency i'm not sure you can get him onto the ground. Any feature for Howlett will be locked now.


Fairly certain he has to be your lowest scoring player on the bench to cover a non scoring player on the field.

So you would have to trade out the other players on your bench for ones that wont play this round and also have a non scoring player on the field.

Not worth it imo but depends on the quality of your bench :)

the captain

IF he is one of your emergencies, then you can make his score count by having someone on the field in the same line that isn't playing this round.

Just realised it's draft, I still don't know how it works there.

brownmans muffins

Firstly, the Auto-Emergency setting needs to be 'on' - the Commish would've done this pre-Draft. I don't think it's changeable now without an email to Hun.

If A/E is 'on', then you will get a max of 1 emergency used if you have a non-playing guy on-field. You will get the lowest of your 4 benchies as the A/E - so if you've got NicNat, Stevie J and Boomer (EG) on your bench with Howlett and a goose egg on the field AND the A/E setting is've picked up some points.

Is there a specific Draft board on here? it just doesn't seem to get the play that it deserves.