Any changes needed?

Started by LachnLoad, March 14, 2013, 10:50:17 PM

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Hey guys let me know if you think I should make any changes. Pretty low on funds (5k). Thanks


solid backs: watch out for atley, im a huge fan of him and he's been in and out of my team but seems to be getting some run with roles in preseason and his dt is suffering, ben jacobs could be an alternative at the same price who is going to avg more
great mids; cant fault any of your selections, love the smokey in scooter
pretty much typical rucks, just be careful of leuenberger like everyone else is being
decent forwards, not sure about how jude bolton is going to get on this year given that he is getting on in age a little bit; might start well and drop off
im a crows fan and i can tell you that kerridge is very unlikely to get games early on; big rapts on the kid but is fighting with crouch and aiden riley for the same position and they are both ahead of him atm, may be a good downgrade option if someone goes down down or can get a gig in the forward line as a small forward


Awesome!!! Thanks Jimbo. Very sound advice mate, thanks heaps. Cheers for the heads up on Kerridge. I have 43k left so can upgrade him.