RMT + Picture of Hot Girls (SFW)

Started by RookieDTer, March 10, 2013, 07:16:11 PM

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Quote from: Colliwobblers on March 17, 2013, 09:00:48 PM
Quote from: RookieDTer on March 17, 2013, 08:50:28 PM
Sigh, I thought I stopped changing... I was wrong:
Goddard, Gibbs, Heppel, Vlaustin, Pittard, Goodes (Stevenson, Terlich)
Swan, Pendlebury, Dangerfield, Jack, McVeigh, Wines, Crouch, O'Meara (Mitchell, Viney)
Cox, Currie (Daw, Rowe)
Bartel (to Stevie J after R1), Zorko, Rockliff, Robinson, Roughead, Karnezis (Macaffer, Lee).
$35,100 left... $26,100 after Stevie J takes over from Bartel.

Start Roughead in the ruck and macaffer on the fwd field.

Strong side - a little unique, standard backline, solid midfield with some possible early bolters there. would like to see it deeper but can't have everything. Super fwd line, ruck is no good with currie on the field but with macaffer on the fwd bench you have the luxury of playing rhead in the ruck and him on the ground fwd.

looks very good mate, just like the pics. gave you a cheer for the girls, the team, and the cleverness of requesting a team rating and offering something in return :)

good luck for the season. GET YOUR ROOKS RIGHT - if you trade to stevie j round 2 that is smart but it is one less trade you have to fix rooks so try get them right when teams are named round 1.
Thanks mate.

Yea, absolute tossing up between Macaffer or Currie on the field. Currie comfortably outscored Macaffer over the first 3 NAB matches (95 v 72 DT points per 100 minutes) but, you'd think Macaffer has better job security and a higher ceiling and greater consistency..... Would not be surprised if Currie finished the year with a higher average though.

Having said that, no guarantee Currie will even get named for Round 1. At least in that case, I can still make this swap at the last minute and have it not cost me any $$$.


yeah currie is great, dont get me wrong but with goldy named and playing well i can't see him getting a game, not like he would score so well playing 80% fwd, and if daw ever gets AFL ready (still a bit to go in the smarts dept) he must be a better fwd/pinch hit ruck option than currie?


Quote from: Colliwobblers on March 17, 2013, 09:25:56 PM
yeah currie is great, dont get me wrong but with goldy named and playing well i can't see him getting a game, not like he would score so well playing 80% fwd, and if daw ever gets AFL ready (still a bit to go in the smarts dept) he must be a better fwd/pinch hit ruck option than currie?
Yea, it is doing my head in.

I believe Currie will play the majority of games.... but, I have no certainty in this.

Again, there is the problem of will he continue to score enough? Most impressive pre-season rookie for me... but, doesn't mean he is a lock.

At any rate, the only negative is I won't have any decent F7 (Lee and Rowe)... but, I would have four true premium forwards, Karnezis (who has surely cemented himself in best 22) and Macaffer who should be best 22...... so, Tommy Lee should be able to stay at F7, I suppose. I'd rather not, but it might be best.


as it is you just switch roughead with rowe and put roughead in the ruck, and rowe on the fwd bench for macaffer whe ncurrie not playing.

if currie never plays you don'e care you have 2 premium rucks and 6 playing fwds anyway - no issue.


Quote from: Colliwobblers on March 17, 2013, 09:39:05 PM
as it is you just switch roughead with rowe and put roughead in the ruck, and rowe on the fwd bench for macaffer whe ncurrie not playing.

if currie never plays you don'e care you have 2 premium rucks and 6 playing fwds anyway - no issue.
Yea, alright, good call.

Thanks for thinking this through with me.