Who for D3?

Started by pinochio, March 08, 2013, 09:52:22 AM

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7 (46.7%)
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Total Members Voted: 2


...(i know gibbs is cheaper then grimey but gibbs is the spiritual D2 :) )

With the now pretty common concencous that 3-3-2 setup up back is the way to go.....
Grimes is a tad bit more expensive, but worried about the off field dramas for hepps???

whatta think fellas?


You know you could ask these questions in the combo thread?

I'd go Grimes if you have the coin.  ;)


They'll pretty much average the same imo. Pick Dys because he's a bomber.


nice lolz,

just feel a tad safer with grimes, not sure why....the $$ is a problem :)



Have you considered Hanley?


Tambling for D3;)

I jest ---- but, seriously, Heppel.


Danny Stanley or Bryce Gibbs, if you already have both of them in your side go Grimes. I don't believe the hype that Heppell will average 90+ I think 86-88 at most. Grimes was an injury risk but played every game i think last season and racked up a 92 average. He has a higher ceiling than Heppell but I'd say Heppell's scores are much more stable. Grimes has the occasional 60-70 whilst Heppell in my opinion should score a 80-90 each week.

Still if you don't have Danny Stanley go him. Ultra consistent and should still be a unique this season.