Essendon and opponents

Started by meow meow, February 09, 2013, 03:21:29 AM

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fair points,but if they expected to come out clean why stand down the weapon?if they are so sure of themselves the weapon continues in his position as though nothings happened,thats the bit that doesnt add up for me,if they happen to come out clean i hope the weapon sues them bigtime,because he would never live it down

imagine them trying to assure the players that we will all come through this,strength of character team team team blah blah blah,surely the smart ones will be thinking"yeah right what about the weapon"would have to set doubts in their minds regarding how the club truly feels re guilt

The Mongoose

With regard to the Weapon, I'm fairly certain that the Bombers wanted to get rid of him last season when the soft tissue injuries were at their worst, but couldn't afford to pay out his lucrative contract and re-hire someone else. Not while they're trying to build a new facility.

This new saga which he would have HAD to have knowledge of would have been the tipping point. Regardless of whether it turns out the Bombers have done nothing legally wrong, there's often clauses for contract termination based on whether an employee has brought disrepute upon a club.

Still, it'll be interesting to see the fallout. Personally I don't think they were using banned substances, but might have been using substances which are not yet classified.


stanton/winderlich/goddard/heppell/ryder/van unen

well for what its worth im going ahead & picking bomber players,these 6 guys particularly goddard ryder & heppell & van unen if hes picked round 1 are integral to all my planning,if the worst comes to the worst i will scramble trades,but if the club i despise the most suffers from this then im willing to cop a little fantasy pain in the process