Fanplanner team

Started by turry17, September 12, 2012, 08:06:21 PM

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just had a bit of a muck around and came up with this as a first draft

Backs: Goddard, Gibbs, Birchall, Heppell, Hanley, Bock, Staker (Docherty, Pittard)

Mids: Swan, Ablett, Pendlebury, Murphy, Ball, Embley (Whitfield, O'meara)

Rucks: Roughead, Burger (Vardy, Grundy)

Fowards: Franklin, Johnson, Lewis, Lecras, Grey, Menzel (Nikoski, Daniher)

$100 100 left over. Obviously a plethora of mid pricers which might change but first attempt


Not a bad start champ. maybe 1 to many midpricers but still pretty good


There's way too many promising mid rookies to be going with Ball and Embley. Maybe one but not both. I like your forward line, not sure if you'll be able to afford it but I like it.