Cox or Stevey J

Started by GraysFan, February 01, 2013, 05:16:49 PM

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Stevie J tends to start the year slowly...

Steve Johnson - First 3 scores in the last 3 years

2010 - 96, 69, 77

2011 - 77, 102, 77

2012 - 68, 101, 60

He usually takes a month or so to really get going. I don't think he's a must to start with, as long as you get him in before round 9 (when Geelong play Port, Gold Coast, GWS in a row).

Justin Bieber

Have Johno, but may leave him out this year.


i reckon Cox have to back him without Nic Nat


Quote from: essendon2 on February 01, 2013, 11:35:00 PM
Cox for first 5 rounds... then Stevie Jay from 6 onwards
+ 1 and Nic Nac will be back around then to give cox a rest ?


Quote from: Jukes on February 01, 2013, 11:24:05 PM
Quote from: timmyparso on February 01, 2013, 11:17:50 PM
Quote from: Jukes on February 01, 2013, 08:30:03 PM
Quote from: Presto on February 01, 2013, 08:19:25 PM
Quote from: Jukes on February 01, 2013, 05:20:05 PM
Stevie J well over Cox (and buddy, for that matter).

SJ will average 102-105, while Cox and Buddy down at like 97. Choice is too easy.
Good joke, next you will tell us that GAJ and Swan won't score more than 80.
Anyway I have both and will keep both

Buddy averaged 93 last season without 204 in 2012. Unless he can kick like 4 bags of ten this year he won't beat SJ.

Cox is old and being replaced by Naitanui, Lycett and Sinclair's development. Won't average 100.

If you''re going to manipulate buddy's score then at least remove his 2 red vest injury games to even the playing field before using it for argument. To remove the 204 is bullshowere anyway. He did score it and is more than capable of doing it again. You wouldn't remove your no. 1 lock player Stanton's score of 193!!!!!!

Stants' best score, the 193, is only 18 points above his second best score, 175, and only only 38 off his third best score, 155-odd.

Buddy's best score, the 204, is 74 above his second best score 130, and 76 above his third best score, 128.

Without those two red vested games, both of which he played most of the game mind you, and his 204, his average is still only 97, which he should average in 2013.

I agree... U can't take someone's score out regardless of who it is and say this is what they averaged! They averaged what they averaged regardless... No +/-/x... U could go on about anyone's scores and take out or add anything.

I reckon Cox and StevieJ will avg similar. Cox depends on what NicNat does and StevieJ depends on how Corey, Chappy and some of the new boys go thru the middle


you can make arguments for the removal of a green vested/ injured red vested score (ftr, one of buddys red vested scores was against gws, in which he was subbed off at half time), but you can't really argue to remove a high score from a player- their ability to get a score of that degree is always there.

You can also make a point about stantons number of ridiculously low and shower scores. Point is- this year franklin was injured and missed 6 games and came back with 0 match fitness for his last 2, including missing half a game against GWS, GC, a game against port, a game against wbd, and a game against an injury plagued essendon, all of which he would have destroyed.

on top of that, franklins shown he can score big before. Scores of 140+ are clearly in his repertoire. And, as he's shown with north, if he comes up against a poorly manned defence, he'll tear them to shreds... against WBD, GWS, GC this year I can see him hitting 160+...

dont know what the point of that was though, didn't read the rest of the thread.

my point is- just because he has a high standard deviation doesn't mean you completely disregard his scores.


Quote from: Jukes on February 01, 2013, 10:23:31 PM
Quote from: Andrew on February 01, 2013, 10:09:14 PM
Round 3: Geelong plays Carlton where Gibbs kept SJ to 60... will it happen again?

Cox's dual position is too valuable this year and with Nic Nat being eased back into it could go BANG early. Cox for me, just, with SJ and Franklin my first upgrade targets no doubt.

"Cox's dual position is too valuable this year"

You will never use the ruck/forward DPP link at all in 2013 unless Leuey/best ruck gets injured, and even then you would probably just trade the injured player out or swap Cox with the injured player and trade them for a premo forward (doesn't need DPP link for that). Not needed at all.

As much as there are extra points for post with a photo, I'm sure I will use the R/F dpp that Cox has. 1 week injuries and suspensions may still not justify a trade in the new paradigm, particularly if you have other trades planned for that week or still have cash to make from that player. Also, I'm not sure if I'm understanding your last point correctly. Swapping Cox into the position of an injured ruckman and then buying a premo forward would require Cox to have the R/F dual position? It could be unbelievably valuable to have the choice of picking a premo ruck or premo forward as a replacement for an injured ruckman, which picking Cox in the forwards provides.

When you're taking a punt on blokes like Sandi and Berger in the ruck, I think it's great strategy to have Cox in your forward line. Maybe his dual position doesn't make him "too valuable," but it makes him more valuable than a similar priced forward who doesn't have that R/F dual position.


Neither of the above. Jarryd Roughead


I'm using Roughead as no.1 ruck though, so Stevie J I guess :o