Geale v Mundine:Geale wins :)

Started by LF, January 30, 2013, 09:20:11 PM

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Quote from: Ringo on January 31, 2013, 12:20:52 PM
Just heard Mundine claiming the judges were biased and he should have won the fight.  That was not my impression as I think Geale won it convincingly.  So looks like his mouth will not be shut either.
Lost the last tiny bit of respect I had for him when he refused to shake hands at the end of the fight.

Agree with Marcz that maybe a lot of it maybe showmanship to line his pockets. Not sure of the prize breakdown but think Mundine got more than Geale.

We were waiting for him to start mouthing about the judges.
He is seriously deluded if he thinks he should have won Geale was all over him.
I've never had any respect for him at all and never will he is a complete and utter dickhead with a mouth on him that needs to be silenced.


Quote from: luvfooty on January 31, 2013, 01:20:35 PM
Quote from: Ringo on January 31, 2013, 12:20:52 PM
Just heard Mundine claiming the judges were biased and he should have won the fight.  That was not my impression as I think Geale won it convincingly.  So looks like his mouth will not be shut either.
Lost the last tiny bit of respect I had for him when he refused to shake hands at the end of the fight.

Agree with Marcz that maybe a lot of it maybe showmanship to line his pockets. Not sure of the prize breakdown but think Mundine got more than Geale.

We were waiting for him to start mouthing about the judges.
He is seriously deluded if he thinks he should have won Geale was all over him.
I've never had any respect for him at all and never will he is a complete and utter dickhead with a mouth on him that needs to be silenced.

I think you should say what you really feel Luv haha. Didnt see the fight but agree with everything else. He's a knob and only opens his mouth to change feet.


he has been amazing for Australian boxing bcos he evokes this emotion out of ppl, it equals interest, " a sustainable sport" as good as Geale has been i dont hear much about him, never do, boxing isnt a big sport in Australia coverage and media wise, even in America it is reeling in ratings, pay per views, too many titles that dont mean anything anymore, too many good matchups that dont eventuate, UFC offers a more exciting sport where the matchups r controlled by one organisation, so the fights we want to see do happen. Ive been a boxing fan since i was 5, my Pop was a fighter and pushed me into it then and i followed it avidly up until about 10 years ago, now i still take an interest, my love of boxing is still strong but the way its run has turned me off, UFC revamped their product and boxing continued to shoot themselves in the foot... continues to shoot themselves in the foot, to wrap up the long rant boxing in Australia would be even further out of the limelight than it is now, i dont like the way Mundine carries on and if that is him as a person i feel sorry for him, but i would be interested to talk to him for an hour or so to see what he is really like, could be that he is just a jive talking businessman that everyone loves to hate.

Master Q

Great fight. Loved watching Kimbo as well. Geale clear winner - very happy about that  ;D

Anyone else think the commentators were bias to Geale though? I mean they were complementing him the whole fight...


QuoteHey Anthony Mundine,

How you going today? Feeling alright? This morning when you’ve had a chance to recover and have a decent sleep (didn’t happen sooner, wish you’d been KO’d earlier) maybe you’ll have another think about some of your life decisions?

If you think boxing is so corrupt, maybe you should do the boxing world a favour and quit?

Because really. You come across as nothing more than a petulant child who throws tantrums whenever anything doesn’t go your way.

You want to be a role model for Aboriginal children? Well act like one. How dare you question anyone about their race or self identity.

I have nothing against you being proud of your heritage. That’s admirable. But implying that Geale is somewhat lesser because YOU have dictated that he’s not an Aboriginal (who gave you that right by the way?) is reprehensible, and you know what…racist.

I also think it’s disgusting to question a man’s integrity because he married a ‘white woman’. And here I was thinking that love should transcend such things. But what would I know? Again, in my eyes, that paints you as a racist.

You had (have) so much talent as a sportsman. You could have had every Australian backing you. And you could have furthered Aboriginal rights and been the very role model you claim to be…if you just weren’t such a d--k head.

You are the one who has isolated yourself from the Australian public. You are the one who has created the ‘us versus them’ mentality. You are the one who constantly uses the race card.

We would be with you if you weren’t so against us.

What message are you teaching these kids? That nothing is ever your fault? If you don’t win, then scream like a petulant child and throw a tantrum?

Grow up. You’re 37. Take some responsibility. You may be a fantastic athlete, but you’re a shower sportsman.

I’m the first to admit that this place isn’t perfect. But it is amazing and I love it here. So really, if you think this place is as racist and corrupt as it is, go somewhere else. To me it’s a win win. You don’t want to be here, we don’t want you here. But that’s me dreaming.

Look at your opponent last night and through the buildup of this fight. He handled himself with dignity and he gave you more respect than you deserved.

You attacked his heritage and his wife and even though he beat you fair and square and in spite of your immaturity, he had kind words for you.

Learn from him.

Daniel Geale, you’re awesome.


hahaha saw that on Facebook, think it pretty much summarizes how the majority of Australia feel about him


Is the Anthony Mundine we see on tv the real him? or a boxer/fight promoter that understands what puts bums on seats and lines his pockets, i dont claim to know one way or another but he either has extremely savvy management that knows how repulsive he can be so encourage him to run his mouth, or he knows this and does that on his own because he understands the business, from very early on in his career he had pay per view events, Other higher ranked Australian fighters and Champions didnt at that time, its something not many boxers or fighters do, those that do make a tonne of money, Floyd Mayweather Jr, Tito Ortiz, Chael Sonnen, Anthony Mundine, Michael Bisping, Brock Lesnar... all are/were deliberately "controversial" its a classic wrestling model to work the crowd, a "heel" and a "face", people love to hate the bad guy and love to cheer for the good guy.

Again im not sure which he is but i wish i knew him personally so i did know if it is him or a persona he has created to make u buy his pay per views, look at the total Anthony Mundine package and it all fits very neatly, he is either dumb as hell with amazing management or he is extremely clever when it comes business, he fights a style that is "the sweet science" counter punching and fast so he never gets hit too hard (sustainable career) every fight is a pay per view (more money for the same effort) as well as his usual fight purse and your looking at the perfect model for how to make the most money and take the least damage. Food For Thought ;)


You may well be right......trash talk in boxing happens and the best do it well, but Mundine instead of attacking someone's abilities or manhood is seen as acceptable. But attacking Geale's aboriginality and wife's colour is just downright racist and the lack of sportsmanship after the fight was finished is deplorable.

To be honest I don't know how he isn't banned from boxing for his blatantly racist comments, at a time where every other sport in the world is stamping out racism and publicly hanging those who make racist comments, this knob seems to be able to get away with it in boxing. If the boxing federations had any kind of balls they would ban him straight up for that.


thats what i mean, it all fits too neatly, when something seems to good to be true...


if it is his persona, it just makes his comments from an idiot babbling with no control to a guy who knowingly and planned on insulting Geale's heritage and family which is even worse and all the more reason for him to be rubbed out for a while