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Available Admin Role.

Started by Spinking, December 27, 2012, 08:34:21 PM

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Folks, it's with great regret that I resign from the BXV admin role. My health is still quite poor, and this comp really deserves a leader who can contribute more than I can at present. I have watched with admiration as folks have jumped in to support this comp in my absence, and feel horrible that they have had to do the hard yakka that the admin would normally do. I feel ok today, but I'm having more bad days than good at the moment.

I propose that any nominees for the role put their case forward in this thread. The role can be taken by a BXV coach or a non coach if they can fully commit to the comp.

After a couple of days the remaining coaches can vote on who they would like to be their new admin. I will support the new admin as much as I am able, including making available any of the graphics, plans, rules etc I was using. Of course the admin may wish to take the comp in a new direction, which they should indicate in their nomination post.

I will attempt to facilitate the process but if I go missing over the next few days then I think Holz and Colli would help to conduct the process.

Just want to again thank those who have not only supported me with the work in the comps but with kind messages of support for me personally. You are a better bunch of blokes than anyone could realize. Thanks.


Firstly I wish to ay thanks to Spinking for the effort he put into the British prior to health issues arising.  The site underwent a massive transformation thanks to you. Well done.

Secondly We as a community wish all the best and trust all goes well for you. I for one would welcome you back as Administrator when you are able.

Accordingly I would like to put myself forward as Temporary Administrator until Spinking is able to return to the role. As most coaches would know I have taken a strong role along with others in facilitating the ongoing draft during Spinkings absence. See the temporary role an extension of what I have been doing at the moment.

Whilst I do have some personal issues as well they will not adversely effect my role as temporary Administrator,  Should be able to be on the forum at least once a day to answer any queries and attend to matters arising. 

Think we can make the British xv's a very strong competition.

I re-iterate and others may disagree but I see this as only a temporary role until Spinking is able to resume the administration duties.


Really hope you get better soon mate, feel bad about sending you the PM about me changing my home ground now :-\

But no need to step down don't think anybody wants you to even if your gone for 12 months+ (really hope not) as Ringo says you will be welcomed back if and when you're ready.

Ringo mate think you will be voted in anonymously best man for the job IMO, whilst i like to help out i don't think i am Admin material lol :P

EDIT - lol anonymously not the right word unanimously i think lol see i'm am idiot


Id like to pretty much say the same as Kilbluff above.

First of all, get well soon Spink, you are missed and I hope your recovery can come soon.

Secondly, I think Ringo would be a great temporary admin for the British XVS. I wouldn't mind being given a few roles to help out in the administrative work, but some may think that only one person running the comp would work better and I am happy to go with the consensis.


Spins the main thing is your health, rest up, champ.

even though i did put my name forward originally, i cant take over either on a permanent or a temporary role. Ringo has been the one that has been keeping BXV going. Ringo is the ideal fit but if he only wants it temporarily until you come back then i will back this.


Quote from: Ringo on December 27, 2012, 09:08:59 PM
Firstly I wish to ay thanks to Spinking for the effort he put into the British prior to health issues arising.  The site underwent a massive transformation thanks to you. Well done.

Secondly We as a community wish all the best and trust all goes well for you. I for one would welcome you back as Administrator when you are able.

Accordingly I would like to put myself forward as Temporary Administrator until Spinking is able to return to the role. As most coaches would know I have taken a strong role along with others in facilitating the ongoing draft during Spinkings absence. See the temporary role an extension of what I have been doing at the moment.

Whilst I do have some personal issues as well they will not adversely effect my role as temporary Administrator,  Should be able to be on the forum at least once a day to answer any queries and attend to matters arising. 

Think we can make the British xv's a very strong competition.

I re-iterate and others may disagree but I see this as only a temporary role until Spinking is able to resume the administration duties.

Fair to assume Ringo is acting administrator at this time with capable assistants and anything Ringo says goes :)

People can miss posts in threads so if you really need something done just PM everyone and that in my experience usually gets you what you need in a short amount of time from all the coaches.

I have my hands full with AXVS but am happy to help out in any way I can, anyone else willing to help should offer rather than wait for Ringo to ask.

Simple things like updating team lists, trade lists, helping out with team logos and this sort of thing could save Ringo a lot of time. Easy enough to do a lot of the tedious stuff and just PM to Ringo to post. Not sure what he will need but anyone who can help him along the way, please do :)

Goes without saying Spinking is a champion and will be welcomes back in whatever capacity he chooses to return to us in.

That said I see no reason why Ringo's role couldn't continue into the future also, 2 heads are better than one and these are two of the best people on FF so whatever eventuates both Ringo and Spinking have my full support in whatever administration roles they hold now and in the future.


Thanks lads for all that.

I agree with the consensus that Ringo is the man for the job. Doesn't appear to be a need for a vote which is great.

While I appreciate the consideration given in suggesting the role is temporary, I am conscious of the need to have one person committed to the good of the comp, able to arbitrate on rules, and to keep everyone engaged. When I get back to health I will talk to Ringo to see how I can get back involved and will be guided by the needs of the comp.

In the meantime, Congratulations and Thanks to Ringo!


Once you finally get the 5 green start Ringo i reckon if you should add an extra few list movements to the next trade period as would give a bit more interest in the comp ;) by my atleast haha.