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Crazy idea...

Started by Spinking, November 25, 2012, 09:18:22 PM

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Just had this idea that I thought I'd throw out there and see folks thoughts...

I loved C4's membership drive the other day. If I wasn't a rival coach I would have signed up straight away. It got me thinking about how else memberships could be used in other XV comps. This is my idea.

All BXV coaches go on a recruiting drive trying to attract as many members as they can. You could offer incentives such as newsletters or DP pics like C4 did, or an incentive of your own creation. Members could vote with their feet, moving between clubs depending on who offered the best deals, or even better - who they felt the most loyalty to.  They could be persuaded by the best organized club, the most successful club, the most potentialed club etc. Members would have to sign up for one club only, and remain a member for at least the season.

So what advantage does a team get for having lots of members I hear you ask... Good question. My suggestion is that this is linked to the home ground advantage given to a home team. It shouldn't be substantial, but simply a team with more members (Think the Collingwoods of the world) can get an advantage by having the home crowd behind them. Some folks might love being part of a big successful machine, while others might like to get on an underdog. Adds a whole new element to the game.

Probably more holes than Swiss cheese but I'd love to hear comments...


i don't think it's worth the effort tbh


I do like the idea in theory, but as you said Spink it does have quite a few holes in it. Heres just what I think wouldn't work about the idea.

It is a lot of work for people to do to not get too much of an advantage and for those of us who have multiple teams, that could be a lot of work each week.

Also I just don't think we will find that many people sign up to be a member. All of those who visit the XVs boards already have a team and I don't think they are going to want to sign up for someone elses membership if they are going to be giving them a home ground advantage. I think most people just joined with the Islanders because they are the only ones doing a membership program. (Not taking anything away from what C4 is doing, I love it!)


nice idea ;) but i wouldnt be interested in going to try find members


Quote from: kilbluff1985 on November 25, 2012, 09:23:38 PM
i don't think it's worth the effort tbh

Haha. Bang!

Yeah it may be more work than its worth. Not going to push too hard if that is the consensus, but it's worth getting some ideas. :)

Justin Bieber

We already have the legendary Crowsfan as the number one fan at the club :)


As mentioned in the title, the idea is crazy. I honestly don't have the time or wouldn't be bothered to do this, and it would give an unfair advantage to those who could be bothered...


I like the idea Spinking, been trying to think of something similar myself but can never get the details right. Is tough one :/


Fair points from all. Just an idea anyway.  :)

Would be great if you could get something up and going in the WXV Os, but as you say getting the details right is a hard one. Reckon it would be a challenge there now anyway as C4 has all the members sewn up  :D