How's it coming along?

Started by DT-SC, October 27, 2012, 10:00:20 PM

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DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, G. Birchall, D. Heppell, P. Duffield, N. Bock, C. Pedersen (J. Pittard, S. Colquhoun)
MID: D. Swan, G. Ablett jnr, S. Pendlebury, O. Wines, B. Crouch, S. Docherty (J. O’Meara, J. Viney)
RUC: T. Goldstein, M. Leuenberger (B. Grundy, M. Daw)
FWD: M. Robinson, J. Lewis, H. Bennell, D. Martin, G.Broughton, R. Gray, M. LeCras (B. Macaffer, B. Murdoch)
CASH LEFT: $3,100

14 premiums
5 mid-pricers
11 rookies

I really have a good feeling about a 3 â€" 5 midfield set up next year, crouch, omeara and viney will play plenty of games and Wines should get a fair few too, and Docherty can swap with goodard, gibbs or heppell if required so I have good coverage.
If Bennell and Martin break out I’m in for a good year
Bock might be a stepping stone to Buddy, so once peaked, Broughton will swap into the backline

What are your thoughts?


I like the idea.
If your mid rookies all get consecutive games early on AND average well enough you will be laughing.

Risky strategy as you could potentially fall behind in the rankings early but, as you said, if Martin and Bennell break out, along with your rooks scoring well you could find yourself sitting pretty near the top...


I don't think it's worth picking Docherty. Instead you could get Kennedy who should be C/F and has a higher scoring potential. Boston or Atkins might also be options. I would be shocked if Murdoch was playing Round 1. Aside from the aforementioned players there's Pongracic, McDonough and Tom Lee at $96,200 who could all be viable picks.

Looking good aside from that.