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Best/Worst Holiday Experiences

Started by Mr.Craig, October 23, 2012, 12:38:18 AM

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Best - Hanging out in New York on my bday a couple of years ago. Central Park, Grand Central Station, the U.N, Times Square, Empire State Building and a great dinner to top it off.

Worst - Just after I'd turner 18 I organized a week away with a bunch of mates to a seaside town in S.A. On the third night a few of the boys went to the pub while I stayed at the house. When I woke the following morning I discovered the lounge room was filled to the brim with stolen items from the town...apparently two of my friends, let's call them Mr.A and Mr.B thought it would be funny to drag everything that wasn't tied down back to our place including lunch boards, 5 foot tall traffic cones, a massive sprinkler system from the local school and an array of other shower.

They promised to return everything or at the very least dump the stuff in the vacant block out the back but come the last night it was all still there. Far from keeping a low profile, Mr.A and Mr.B returned to the same pub again and raised suspicions. Mr.A ended up bursting into the house around 11pm shouting "The cops are coming!" then promptly went into the kitchen and did a shot of vodka. Moments later Mr.B stumbled in the back door followed by the unmistakable flashing blue and red lights.

The cops charged in, knocking over our "Wall Of Beer" (hundreds of empties we had carefully stacked out the back). At one point during the questioning Mr.B was in the fetal position balling his eyes out, claiming his future legal career would be ruined while one of the cops shouted at him to harden the flower up. Anyway Mr.A and Mr.B got charged with 4 counts of larceny and in classic Simpsons fashion the judge proclaimed that "Boys will be boys" and let them off with a warning.

As far as I know none of us have ever returned to that town. I can laugh about it now but at the time I was far from impressed.


lol that sounds funny as

not really traveled myself never really been in a financial position to do so :'(


My best is a tie between snorkelling the great barrier reef while on a holiday in Port Douglas and climbing to the top of Ayers Rock in NT on a trip through the middle of Australia.

My worst was last year at the Southern uni games in Geelong. I was a part of the basketball team but my real reason for going was the wild parties. The first night at the opening ceremony I had an absolute skinfull of grog, got back to the caravan park we were staying at about 4 am then had to play a game at 9.30am that morning. Woke up sick as a dog but managed to play and score the first basket then do nothing but run around like a headless chook all game. Started getting really sick as the day progressed till it got to the point where I had to actually pack my stuff and go home and then was bed ridden for 2 weeks with pneumonia while everyone else was away partying


only been off this fine island once for a trip to the Whitsundays and a couple of times fishing.

Worst was schoolies week. Went down to Batemans bay after finishing year 12 exams with a group of mates and girls. The girls stayed at a place where the lady that looked after the house slept on the bottom floor. The girls were kicked out after the 2nd night and i was past out on their couch. Then the only place that served alcohol lost its liquor license a couple of months earlier and the most exciting thing we saw was a bridge opening for a boat to pass under. We lasted one more night then the girls. Came back to the gong and caught up with the girls and drank heaps.

Best holiday was Perth for christmas a couple of years ago. Spent most of my time with my relos at either Little creatures or pool side at my uncles, drinking beer, watching cricket and hanging out with the fam. Cricket from 8-3 then drink after that



Best: 10 loose as flower nights in Bali staying at the Bounty.

Worst: haven't had a bad one but my most recent trip to Melbourne for the prelim was definitely the most interesting. Very loose weekend involved broken windows, rejected from all clubs (melb clubs don't like 6 blokes entering without girls at 2am :( ) so my mate's decide to chuck around bollards with random and one mate launches the base at some dude knocking him out stone cold before he hit the ground. Then there was some random limo ride with random hotties after we got lost in south Melbourne followed by more rejections and many obscene gestures words and actions done to the people of Melbourne as we walked back to our hotel

Mailman the 2nd

Quote from: JBs-Hawks on October 23, 2012, 10:03:43 PM
Best: 10 loose as flower nights in Bali staying at the Bounty.

Worst: haven't had a bad one but my most recent trip to Melbourne for the prelim was definitely the most interesting. Very loose weekend involved broken windows, rejected from all clubs (melb clubs don't like 6 blokes entering without girls at 2am :( ) so my mate's decide to chuck around bollards with random and one mate launches the base at some dude knocking him out stone cold before he hit the ground. Then there was some random limo ride with random hotties after we got lost in south Melbourne followed by more rejections and many obscene gestures words and actions done to the people of Melbourne as we walked back to our hotel

I'm pretty sure that's like a rule in all clubs everywhere


Not in Adelaide I can walk into any club here without the need of arm candy


No particularly bad ones, but went on an awesome junket with work last year. We advertise a lot with WIN TV and once a year they take their best customers away on a 'Thanks for your business' trip. This particular one was to Fiji, where we sat on the beach drinking beers, went snorkeling, deep sea fishing etc. Amazing trip, but even better to know everyone was back at the office slugging it out, while I got on it :)


Quote from: quinny88 on October 23, 2012, 01:08:53 AM
My best is a tie between snorkelling the great barrier reef while on a holiday in Port Douglas and climbing to the top of Ayers Rock in NT on a trip through the middle of Australia.

My worst was last year at the Southern uni games in Geelong. I was a part of the basketball team but my real reason for going was the wild parties. The first night at the opening ceremony I had an absolute skinfull of grog, got back to the caravan park we were staying at about 4 am then had to play a game at 9.30am that morning. Woke up sick as a dog but managed to play and score the first basket then do nothing but run around like a headless chook all game. Started getting really sick as the day progressed till it got to the point where I had to actually pack my stuff and go home and then was bed ridden for 2 weeks with pneumonia while everyone else was away partying

yeah, mine would probably be snorkling the Barrier Reef as well. The trip out to it was on the biggest catarman(sic?) in the Southern Hemisphere at the time. We departed from Cairns though.

The worst was going to see the Solar Eclispe in 2002. Not so much the solar eclipse, but the accomadation we had at Port Kenny. The actual eclipse was a freaky thing to experience with my son, as i picked him up and watched as it got dark, great memory. The Van we booked was well-yuk. The fridge had 100mph tape to keep the milk and bottles in the door, the place smelt mouldy, but the worse was, when we were leaving to come home, we always check under the mattress, to see if I hid any money  or anything under it. It had what looked like a rather large blood stain on it ( mind u an old one as it wasn't bright red , but still ). We stopped at the first truck stop we came across and all had showers


Anyone else here been on a cruise? Like a proper P&O one? They are the flowering best holidays ever. Go with mates, get pissed, chat up ladies, make new mates, go snorkeling.... do what the flower ever you want.

It's awesome.


Hmm so many experiences to try and split for BEST. Traveling all through Europe with my mates was pretty damn awesome, especially Oktoberfest ;)

Or for singular experiences trekking through Nepal and making it to Annapurna base camp was pretty special, especially watching the sunrise the next morning!

Or another experience in Nepal was parahawking! One of the best and most unique things I have ever done!! :o

As for WORST, I can't really remember all that many bad experiences. I guess being sick on one of the days trekking was pretty terrible. Couldn't lie down and sleep it off because we had a schedule to stick to so had to suck it up and walk for 8 hours feeling absolutely shower! Was worth it in the end though :)


Best: Went to America when I was 5 and really enjoyed it, as far as I can remember anyway. Went to Disneyland and Universal Studios, which was cool. I also met Lassie!

Worst: It wasn't the worst because of what happened to me, but when Mum and I went to India (where my family's from) in 2002, 10 days into the trip, Mum got a call from home saying come back expecting the worst. It turned out Dad had a stroke in the carpark of Crown Casino. I ended up staying in India with my Gran, though.