Who to start? Dusty or Goodes?

Started by Jigsaw, August 09, 2012, 07:59:06 PM

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Just after a few opinions on who to start as my F7; Dustin Martin or Adam Goodes?

Tough call to make. Even when looking over past stats etc.

Leaning towards Martin, though it's tough to go past Goodes's higher ceiling.



I'd go Goodes.

Always back in a champ. As you said, Goodes if on song will (maybe) slay out a bigger score, while D-mart will net you a least 75+.


Yeah, might have to back the champ in. Just sucks how he is stuck in a key forward role, whilst Martin is running about and likely to pick up more.

Still, I think Goodes it will be. Cheers  8)



with Bolton out I think you'll see Goodes get more ball this weekend. Also big game and he'll be fired up for a win.


Have both of them plus Harvey and have to bench one of them. Leaning toward starting Goodes and Harvey myself.


With Goodes playing deep lately I would have said Martin, but as stated above, with Bolton out he should spend more time in the mids. Should be close but Goodes... Just.