First time asking for help!

Started by damnfunky, August 03, 2012, 12:19:21 PM

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DEF: Deledio, Scotland, Goddard, Shaw, Carrazzo, Ellis, Spurr (Hargrave, Tomlinson)
MID: Watson, Ablett, Mitchell, Sellwood, Swan, Gibson (adams, morabito)
RUC: Cox, Goldstein (Redden, Campbell)
FWD: Beams, Sidebottom, Franklin, M.Johnson, Robinson, Porplyzia, Zorko (Smedts, Hall)

4 trades, $140,100 cash

See my team...I've got a full side without making trades but I need to win to try and make the top 4 in my cash league.

So I was considering strengthening my team....

I can afford to go:
- Franklin > Dangerfield
- Hargraves > Waters

Note. My opposition this week has dangerfield but no waters. And they do have franklin unless they trade.

good idea? other options?


If i were you id be saving those 4 trades to upgrade the likes of Ellis, Spurr and Adams. You need a 6th premium mid before you should be thinking about anything else.


i would definately do the waters trade. you have 2 rookie defenders on the field and if it helps you win this week if cant hurt


any trades you do should be to either get a M6 or D6/7. trading franklin is absolutely not an option if you want a team for the finals, not just this week.

hargrave to fyfe. MJ to backline. 30k left. then hold and next week downgrade spurr and use the cash to get a mid and a defender.

The Bomber

You gain the same amount by upgrading a midfielder points wise this week as you do playing another forward instead of Franklin...


Gibson + Danger = Smedts + Premo Mid (EG Pendles)

In the long run getting a premo mid will benefit you more than trading Franklin...