Fox Sports Supercoach=Herald Sun Supercoach

Started by blah128, May 12, 2012, 06:51:18 PM

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Maybe a lot of you already knew this...I did not. I've only ever played Dream Team but have wanted to start a supercoach since last season. Didn't get around to it this year though. I did put a team together on the Fox Sports website which seemed to have similar scoring system but it was a very rushed job. Just similar rookies to my DT and a few different premiums. A few rounds in I noticed the number of total players was more than the AFL DT comp (Over 320,000 compared to 250,000). Strange I thought. It's only just occurred to me now to try this logon on the Herald Sun supercoach site and sure enough its the same comp. Like I said I'm sure some people knew already but interesting news to me. Probably stranger still is that my SC team is sitting nicely in the top 1000, while in DT which I have become reasonably good at is having a shocker ranked around the 10,000 mark...True story  :)


Just like The Mercury Supercoach is also the same. They just use different names ;)


I was expecting Fox Sports to have their own comp...only reason I found it was because I have an EPL team and an NRL team in their comps. Oh well...happy I now have a supercoach team