moving on broughton and gibbs

Started by BBosCo, April 09, 2012, 10:56:13 PM

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which option?

birchall and watson
4 (21.1%)
waters and pendlebury
13 (68.4%)
fisher and stanton
2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 0


i know its early to be trading gibbs but i just dont like how up and down his scoring can be. plus he is frustrating to watch, never gets his own ball.


I'm with you - a lot of people saying back in the research done pre-season and keep these guys. For me there was a risk in picking Broughton with the hope that a new coach would see increase midfield time. It doesn't look like that's panning out - also their midfield squad looks like it may run deeper then last year with more guns due back in - too risky that he'll stay a dud.
Gibbs is an out and out gun, however I was hoping for a move to a more permanent midfield role. Hasn't happened. I am hesitant on this one as Carlton has a few key defenders due back which may free him up? Tough call.
Options - Broughton to Clarke or Hargraeve ( I voted on Waters for your situation )
Gibbs - Pendlebury, Stanton ( similar thinking to you ) or even Sloane setting me up with a large bankroll for upgrades later. Still don't think I'm sold on Sloane, my midfield just looks better with Pendlebury sitting there...


Go with Waters and Pendles. Waters is great value at that price and will definitely increase in price, they got GWS this week aswell. I don't even need to explain why you need Pendlebury, dude is an absolute gun and almost a must for every team.