Rich or Otten to start

Started by Nath83, April 24, 2009, 07:49:37 AM

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Any opinions on who I should start on the field this week, Daniel Rich or Andy Otten. I've yet to put Otten on the field, but thinking this week against the Demons he might score some decent points and with Brisbane up against the Cats not sure how Rich will go?



also wondering how Rich will go against Geelong, he is obviously a great kick and you would think the cats would want to intimidate the young man.

I myself have Beams who can come in and im weighing up putting him on the field.


Doesn't matter who you play, intimidation will be part o the game 4 yougsters.


rich because it is going to rain. hes a tackling machine



Hope you backed Otten mate. In DT, but especially in SC where he scored a massive 130.