OK, I think this is the final product. Opinions welcomed!

Started by Blues Blues Blues, March 22, 2012, 11:26:28 PM

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Blues Blues Blues

BACKS: Goddard, Deledio, Broughton, Malceski, Lake, Ellis, Bugg (Boumann, Morris)
MIDS: Ablett, Swan, Rockliff, Selwood, Caddy, Shiel (Kennedy, Magner)
RUCKS: Mumford, Kruezer (Redden, Giles)
FWDS: Franklin, Fyfe, Martin, Dangerfield, Porplyzia, D Smith, J Cameron (A Hall, T Couch)

Cash = $12,000

Pretty happy with it, bud would appreciate some feedback.

Unsure about Porps - but not sure who else to get for his price or below???


Backs: You have both Malceski and Lake coming back from long term injuries. Good if both return to 2009 and 2010 form but what if they do not.  To minimise risk would only take one. But ok to keep both if happy with risk.
Mids: Probably too heavy here with 4 prems over $600k.
Rucks: Sound
Forwards Solid.
Overall I think you are a prem short in the back do not think Eski or Lake will fill that position at the moment.

Team rating 8/10 



I think that the Swans have about the easiest run in the first 7 rounds apart from West Coast. (This is using a patented lineal rating weighting system that uses TAB odds, teams to be played and thence predicted ladder positions come round 8).

If this proves correct, then Malceski could be a masterstroke. Even if he doesn't become premium, surely if he stays in once piece, he'll score well to start.

Watch Boumann? Willhe play?

Too much $$ in the mids. Should lose Rockliff IMO. Selwood is a bargain. Ablett is a must. Swan is a definite at some stage so why not now?

Kreuzer - mid priced no man's land kind of a pick. If you think he'll score clsoe to Cox, fine, but otherwise don't.

Porps = good = cheap and high ceiling.

Only 11 premiums.

felsty has 13!