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Started by paul1986, March 22, 2012, 10:10:39 PM

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Not bad.

Not sold on Boyd or Scotland though, both had the best year last year and i don't see them improving, even though Boyd has been tearing it up in the nab cup he got bad SC scores coz of his inefficiency and i don't see his effectiveness improving nor the amount of possessions he got. Tom Rockliff a better choice for Boyd IMO and for Scotland get Shaw/Broughton or Heppell if you wanna save a bit more dough.

Oh and Wingard is a bit expensive, if you're going for a more pricy rookie get Coniglio not Wingard, but personally i'd just get Lachie Neale coz he is probs playing round 1 and even if he doesn't he'll definitely be in round 2.

but other than that 8.5/10