Could make or break my team! which combo??

Started by Baggers2012, March 11, 2012, 12:21:56 AM

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Which combo

McEvoy, Malceski, Martin
5 (35.7%)
Jacobs, Adcock, Sidebottom
9 (64.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Not a fan of the malceski pick but absolutely love the jacobs one forcing me to side with option two.


2nd choice has a better ring to it :)

Seems like a better balance with less risk


First one...prefer all 3 players to those in option 2.
McEvoy number one ruck at injury history, only going to get better IMO.
Martin...already a gun player, can see him averaging 100+ as chips for someone who can score regular 120+s...worth the risk.