pendlebury + jobe V swan + boyd ??

Started by tanker80, March 08, 2012, 01:16:47 PM

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Very tough choice, Pendlebury is probably the epitome of ultraconsistency at the highest level, thing he only dropped under 3 digits once last year and that was 99...
The only reason there is a decision to be made is Watson, if you yourself believe in Watson then pick Pendles n Watson, if not choose Boyd and Swan. Me personally, i reckon Watson will rip it up and hes in my side.

Your choice, just depends on your view of Watson.


Swan and Boyd for me this year, no to Watson and Pendles as an upgrade target


Swan and Boyd for me this year, no to Watson and Pendles as an upgrade target

On the money there tabs.


swan and boyd i reckon. both good but swan is a must IMO.


Swan and Boyd. Huge ceilings on those boys.


Watson misses 3-4 games every year with soft tissue injuries, Def. Swan and Boyd
