Things we have learnt from Round 2 of NAB

Started by Capper, March 03, 2012, 11:34:26 PM

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howard is cheaper than both and a high draft pick was touted by freako as a break out player and is supposed to take over from gilbee as the dogs #1 playmaker out of defence, i reckon he will come through but after all hargraves performances i can't go past him, and lake is a dead set champion we all know that but again how to go past hargrave ?

meow meow

He was supposed to take over last year too, but that didn't happen. It all landed on Murphy, who'll continue to be the man. Addison will screw up Howard's JS.


meow meow

I think he will, but he is in no way a lock.

I could see us going with a backline of Wood, Lake, Murphy, Markovic, Hargrave, Addison with Picken as the 7th back. Picken has been playing midfield, but the coach is keen to get Smith in there so someone has to make way. Add Gilbee to the mix and Howard's JS isn't as strong as you'd like for a player his price.