BYE PLANNER SAMPLE - how my bye trading setup is looking

Started by Colliwobblers, February 12, 2012, 04:39:48 PM

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Hi All, I have worked through and made up a bye planner to show the way I can limit my team to 2 donuts only over teh bye rounds without using unreliable(potentially) DPP rucks.

Now the players i have by the time round 11 comes up may be very different i may have upgraded more players or changed rooks or anything but i have left the starting players i have had excpet traded a few to different bye rounds ahead of round 11 to show the MAKEUP OF BYE PLAYERS FOR EACH ROUND I WILL HAVE COME ROUND 11.

I have chosen 3 keeprs in one bye round in defence from round one also 3 keepers from one bye round in the forwards from round 1.

The reason this is OK is beacause due to the rucks as the planner will show, YOU HAVE TO HAVE 2 DONUTS without use of DPP rucks.

Any questions or thoughts or feedback feel free to post, I am sure there will be plenty :)

Hope I've done it right and not made a fool of myself :)


how are you doing 3 upgrades in rd 13 when you only do 2 downgrades and and upgrade in rd 12. where r u getting the money from lol


Like your forethought...but I seriously doubt any of us will get away without at least a couple of LTI's to screw up the best laid plans.

Might pinch part of your well thought out concept but not going to be too surprised if it goes pear shaped.


Quote from: jamster on February 12, 2012, 05:42:26 PM
how are you doing 3 upgrades in rd 13 when you only do 2 downgrades and and upgrade in rd 12. where r u getting the money from lol

the trades and the money is not hte point they are examples to show trading from one bye round player to another.

They could be downgrades / sideways or upgrades, and for the point of the exercise maybe i cashed in all m rooks that were fat in round 9 and 10 that fact isnt relevant to the excercise.  ::)

LTI also, that just costs more trades it doesnt change the setup or trading you do over the byes ( only will if the wrong player on the wrong bye round gets a LTI needs to be traded and costs you one of the trades you need to avoid donuts as laid out)

then yes you get an extra donut :)


Fantastic work - now copyright it and go have a long scotch!


Small point but does not Zorko have a rd 11 bye, not a rd 12 bye same team as Rockliff no help in that trade. Overall good work.


Quote from: MyPies on February 12, 2012, 06:32:01 PM
Small point but does not Zorko have a rd 11 bye, not a rd 12 bye same team as Rockliff no help in that trade. Overall good work.

No it started out as zorko but is now (at the time of trade a round 12 rook)

thats why i went Rook(zorko)  meaning a rook i got in after trading out zorko :)

i did it in a bit of a hurry  ???


Good work here Collie I have been working on a similar spreadsheet. Mine however has who should be in my team by the bye rounds with upgrades and downgrades.  All going to plan will have one donut in Round 12. Hint if it does not effect your overall team structure work towards Def 2/3/4; Mid 2/3/3; Ruck 2/1/1 Forward 2/4/3 making 8/11/11. Def and Forward structure can switch, Lines also include subs and if a DPP is in mids then there is opportunity to use which I do in round 13,


Slightly better version here, showing round 1 team and trades up to round 11. Once again I must say there will likely be more trades and different trades leading up to the byes,

The point of this is to demonstrate the structure going into the byes and the trades through the byes, helpful i hope?


Well done again and I have done something similar and have come to the same conclusion as you that a donut in round 12 and round 13 are unavoidable.  Thought I may have avoided one in Round 13 with DPP but can not so 2 it will be for me also.

Can you let me know how you managed to cat and paste your spreadsheet to the forum?


just shrunk it cntrl + scroll to fit in the screen (also click on top bar of xl and choose hide) so the big top part of xl isnt part of your picture.

then hit print screen like off the SC site and paste into paint, then host it up on imageshack then it gives you the url (2nd one down) and you copy and paste that to the forum and highlight it and do insert image.