Young team, Big potential? Leave your thoughts!

Started by Superman, February 06, 2012, 07:21:17 PM

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Backs: Goddard, Broughton, Houli, Hanley, Suban, Clarke, Ellis (Sierakowski, Brown)

Mids: Pendlebury, Ablett, Murphy, Thompson, Clifton, Horsley (Shiel, Stevens)

Rucks: Leuenberger, Jacobs (Giles, Stephenson)

Forwards: Robinson, Zaharakis, Martin, Lecras, Walker, Cripps, Walsh (Zorko, Treloar)

11k in the bank

Revised my team a little - really think Cripps can make an impact this year.
Tell me your thoughts?

Justin Bieber

Not bad, I gave an 8.

But your forwards are pretty weak, you don't have any like super premium forwards e.g. Stevie J, Buddy, Goodes. But mids are strong as well as Rucks.


not a bad side at all but i think you're asking a lot, to have all your young fellas come good at the same time, robbo, zaha,

d mac, le cras, walker and suban. some of them will but not all of them. as whatlez said you need a buddy and goodes there


Thanks for the replies.  I would say Martin, Zaharakis and Robinson have more scope for improvement, whether they do or not is another question but I feel that Buddy and Goodes are more likely to post some inconsistent scores and so we'll be able to pick them up during the season for cheaper than their starting prices. If i had to take one it would be Goodes but at this stage Ill back those three guys in and watch them carefully in the Nab cup. Last year i started with stevie J when he was cheaper so cant really justify selecting him based on that inflated price. Could come back to haunt me but I guess we'll find out.

@ Yorgis - Robbo and Zaha took a step up last year so not much improvement is needed for them to at least hold their spot in the side. Lecras can be included in there as well. In an improving side he will definitely be given opportunities to score well, as well as perhaps pushing up the ground a bit more. Not sure who you mean by D mac?

I agree with you in regards to Walker and Suban, they could go either way. Ill be taking a gamble on someone around that price in the Fwds and Backs regardless to hopefully pick that unique smoky and get a leg up on the competition. Whether i choose Suban and Walker or someone else is in the air at the moment, but I believe that all the right ingredients are there for both of them to take the next step up so will be watching closely in the Nab cup.

Feel free to write back -  I enjoy a little healthy DT discussion    :P


watch the r.11 bye - leuenberger, jacobs and giles all out (1 doughnut if your lucky)


I more or less agree with what has already been said...your forwards have too much risk with not enough potential for reward.


hmm really? I kinda think the opposite.. slight risk, big potential


Definately a big risk mate,

Zaha has had knee issues through preseason, Robo has not stamped himself as any form of DT gun, Walker had a great year last year afl wise and didnt set the world on fire in DT and you are relying on Lecca moving into a midfield with Kerr Priddis Shuey Selwood and Embely....

Now if you look at potential, are either of the three going to be in the top 7 forwards for 2012...I would say 100% no. As such are the rewards that big??

Its a strategy of overall high points but Im not sure it will do wonders leading up to finals when sideways trades are required


Has he had knee issues this preseason? I remember seeing an article in November saying that he played through last season with knee issues but that he would be joining the main group the following week. Has there been a delay in his progress since?

I wont argue with Walker, his selection in my side will most likely change as I said before. I have to completely disagree with you though on the likes of Robbo and Zaharakis not being in the top 7 forwards for 2012. For total points last year Zaharakis came in 7th, Martin 8th and Robbo 10th. Approaching their 4th, 3rd and 4th seasons respectively do you not think that natural progression at the very least will see them stamp their spot in the top 7 forwards for this year?

Tossing up between Lecras and Sidebottom at the moment.
