Jelwood - El Capitano

Started by Matty411, January 20, 2012, 03:58:26 PM

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So the champion cat is the new captain... My thinking is that now he has been bestowed this honour - he may well take his game to another level in 2012 ala Matty Boyd in 2011... Does anyone agree?

And another question... If he does break out to avg 118+ (highly possible) and given his round 12 bye, I'm considering him over Pendles/Swan to start the season...



at first was a bit sceptical thinking the captain role may hinder his DT performance but yeh Boydy and Gazza show us there still capable


So many DT guns - want to fit them all in but can't with the byes and also whilst still trying to be unique.


The type of character and player he is i think he will thrive being Cpt. Wont impact negatively at all score wise imo. I got a gut feeling he'll improve it.


Great choice for captin. He will try even harder and increase his average.


By how much is the question. He should've avg'd at least 114 this year - could easily raise that to 116+ imo

worth starting or upgrade target?


A guy who is a will be in the top handful of midfielders this year and will increase his average from last year is a definite starter in my side.


Quote from: sluga on January 20, 2012, 05:08:00 PM
A guy who is a will be in the top handful of midfielders this year and will increase his average from last year is a definite starter in my side.

Could pay off big time if he fits your team structure.


Only risk is him KO himself again.


Quote from: rebird on January 20, 2012, 05:48:19 PM
Only risk is him KO himself again.

haha to true, he's a worry every time he steps on the ground, he goes where Angels fear to tread.


Being captain might make him sacrifice himself even more to set an example. Before he was announced captain i would have said with pretty close to certainty that barring injury or something Selwood will average about 120. Who knows now


Quote from: lolrocket on January 20, 2012, 08:17:24 PM
Being captain might make him sacrifice himself even more to set an example. Before he was announced captain i would have said with pretty close to certainty that barring injury or something Selwood will average about 120. Who knows now

could be up around 130 ya thinkin?? captain or not, locked and loaded for me.