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Team Structure for byes

Started by Miss Pies, December 27, 2011, 11:47:11 AM

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Miss Pies

I posted this yesterday not knowing you'd all heard it before and after reading m0nty's blog I removed it because I thought I was somewhat infringing on m0nty's Blog 'Bad Bye Buddy'. Turns out I'm not so I'm reposting.

Even if you do not use the dreaded R/F Scott Lycett I think this template will still help on planning team structure going into round 11 to get the best possible outcome during the bye rounds with minimal donuts.

If you have a different and/or better strategy for overall success I love to hear about any fresh approach.

This information is based on a team that is in its peak going into round 11 using the available MPP Ruck positions available as follows. (subject to change and players must be named each round for success)

Scott Lycett
Joel Hamling
Jarryd Roughead
David Hale
Sam Rowe
Adam Pattison
Jordan Staley

James Sellar
Jay Lever

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well done nice work, whole situation does my head in i havent bothered to try work it out yet, mainly because we dont really know our final rook choices yet.

Two points tho.

You avoid donuts with your DPP rucks (4 of them?) i think over 10 rounds leading into the byes you would have lost more points from having them to teams with premium rucks that it will cost you more points than the donuts will, also will many them even get games?

Is it worth burning 6 trades to avoid donuts and more trades to get rid of the dpp rucks after  byes ?

more advice needed for me to make my mind up

Miss Pies

Yeah I personally do not think it is worth it, just wanted to illustrate that it is possible. Still a good place to start even without the dpp rucks.


don't get me wrong great work on your part, and yeah its possible, but i dont know what i am going to do, whether to just structure a team to write off one whole bye round and be unaffected the otehr two? or to even it out to take minimum donuts or use trades each round to avoid them, guess it comes down to whether you want the car or the league win, i don't expect to seriously be in  the running for the car but i would like to finish as highly as possible and improve on last years effort.

Miss Pies

I guess the main thing to look at is when you take minimal donuts evenly over the rounds..check to see who is going to be on the bench during that time, do the math on it and see how many ppr you will lose. Then do the math on how many points you will lose on donuting an entiire round for the sake of saving the other bye rounds.

Most people won't know which strat they will use until at least round ten as they will have no idea who will be injured, suspended in their teams heading into round 11.


can you do the math for me, and i'll cook you dinner?  ???


Correct me if I'm wrong but if you are averaging 2100 prior to the 3 bye rounds you are going to lose one-third of that amount(700) per week of the byes or the whole 2100 if you stack your side with all players with round 13 byes. 

Trading around them may improve the scenario marginally, but using bench player to fill positions will balance that out.

Just my 2cents worth. 

My head hurts thinking about solutions.  I've even tried predicting what I want my team to look like at round 10 and how it may change during the AFL's month of evil.  No success!


I'm ignoring the byes. So many variables between now and then, I want to make sure I'm in the running first! Cross the bridge when it comes.

One week at a time....


yesp all in all the AFL ought to be ashamed of irself for scheduling 6 team bye rounds, does nobody in the fixture working out team of people do DT I mean ffs.

Miss Pies

Your gonna end up doing your own head in Colliwobblers lol.


The reality is that while the DPP ruck strategy would help to avoid donuts during the bye rounds, the quality of players in these positions are not worth selecting. ( Lycett, Sellar, Hamling, Lever etc ).
Let's hope VS surprise us with some changes and give some more decent dual position rucks.
Otherwise the best structure is 8/11/11 with 3 trades each in R12 & 13 with a donut in each of these rounds.
With this structure in mind you have 10 rounds prior to get to 8/11/11 as well. Good cash cows will have already fattened by then.


Quote from: Hawks_1976 on January 10, 2012, 12:13:08 AM
The reality is that while the DPP ruck strategy would help to avoid donuts during the bye rounds, the quality of players in these positions are not worth selecting. ( Lycett, Sellar, Hamling, Lever etc ).
Let's hope VS surprise us with some changes and give some more decent dual position rucks.
Otherwise the best structure is 8/11/11 with 3 trades each in R12 & 13 with a donut in each of these rounds.
With this structure in mind you have 10 rounds prior to get to 8/11/11 as well. Good cash cows will have already fattened by then.


thats it exactly i think, so when you say 8-11-11 do you break it down like this?

(burger giles / sandi stephenson)  ruck combo so 2 byes rnd 11- 2 rnd 12 - 0 rnd 13

Round 11- DEF 2 / MID 2 / RUC 2 / FWD 2 = 8 no trades no donuts

Round 12- DEF 3 / MID 3 / RUC 2 / FWD 3 = 11 TRADE IN RND 11 FWD, MID, DEF  (no donuts ????? ) 11 becomes 8

Round 13- DEF 4 / MID 3 / RUC 0 / FWD 4 = 11 TRADE IN RND 11 or 12 DEF, MID, FWD (any combo of 3) (2 donuts ????) 11 becoomes 8 but thats 8 spread over 3 positions DEF/MID/FWD

Is that right? That was my plan and to achieve it I start a team with no more than those numbers listed above of premiums and hopeful keepers, and i ignore the rucks and trade in the right bye round ones leading up to the byes as the cows fatten.



That's right.
Depending how your 8/11/11 is set up, you get a total of 2 donuts over R12 & 13 which you take in either round or spread over the two.
I need to stress it's not critical to set your starting squad up like this.
Just work towards it in the first 10 rounds and just be mindful of when your starting keepers have a bye.
Your upgrade/downgrade strategy ( cashing in cows ) from about R6 will determine how you obtain your 8/11/11 not your starting squad. There will be injuries and suspensions to consider as well.
I am fully aware of how to minimise the damage of the bye rounds and will trade accordingly.
But ill be selecting the best squad of 30 first and foremost, worrying about the bye structure afterwards.


Quote from: Hawks_1976 on January 10, 2012, 12:31:42 PM
That's right.
Depending how your 8/11/11 is set up, you get a total of 2 donuts over R12 & 13 which you take in either round or spread over the two.
I need to stress it's not critical to set your starting squad up like this.
Just work towards it in the first 10 rounds and just be mindful of when your starting keepers have a bye.
Your upgrade/downgrade strategy ( cashing in cows ) from about R6 will determine how you obtain your 8/11/11 not your starting squad. There will be injuries and suspensions to consider as well.
I am fully aware of how to minimise the damage of the bye rounds and will trade accordingly.
But ill be selecting the best squad of 30 first and foremost, worrying about the bye structure afterwards.

well said BUT , surely you can't start 3 premium/keepers in any one line on any one bye week? or you will need to sideways trade one to avoid the "extra donut?" and if so will you sideways trade a premium then leave him out for the final half of the season or will you use another trade to get back in?

For example - start pendles/swan/jelwood in the mids - one will be a rnd 12 donut unless you sideways trade him out in round 11 or earlier....