Boak or Gibbs

Started by simo1313, March 12, 2009, 11:07:54 PM

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Boak, T ($454,100) Or Gibbs, B ($500,400)?


gibbs, he might be worth that extra 50 thousand but with all the tags going to carltons other premium mids, he'll slip threw the cracks should have a stellar season. I no the pre season is not much to go by but the players still try hard to win games that r in the side and gibbs looks in fine form


id go with selwood hes like 20k more but worth it.


this is a close one. coinflip for mine. Gibbs will cancel with every other gibbs lover out there. Boak, like gibbs, will get alot of unnoticed disposals due to the quality of the mids around him.

Consider Chris Knights at this price, but i doubt you will be disappointed with boak. NEXT


Now that was knowledge!