Colin Sylvia

Started by cityfolkeast, August 26, 2011, 04:22:00 PM

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Hi All,

Here's what I'm looking at

Mitchell, Ablett, Bartel, Martin, Swallow, Sylvia   (Murphy, Judd, D. Prestia)

S. Johnson, Cloke, Goodes, Franklin, Chapman, Mzungu, I.Smith (L.Tapscott, Howe, C. Richardson)

I have one last trade left and have $338k if I chop Sylvia. Who is the best mid option?

Callan Ward, Carrazzo, Wells, or Brent Harvey? These all look like they have potential to score me big this week
Any guidance would be appreciated.

Another option maybe is to chop Murphy/Judd for the extra cash or am I best to hold onto them for next week providing I win?


the problem is see is even without sylvia playing next week you will have to bench martin or bartel.

If it were me i would trade judd to the best aviable player and than next week bench martin. I wouldnt really want to upgrade syliva as the guy you pick will be dropped next week with your carlton guys coming back. Maybee Judd to fyfe so if you have forward line problems than you can put him into the forward line and play martin.

What is the best mid you can buy can you get swan, pendles or boyd


That's a good point, thanks mate!

With Judd trading, i can afford $423k, leaving me:

Scott Thompson, Priddis, Scotland, Beams, Barlow, Thomas, A.Swallow.


next week it would be D.Swallow being benched, with Judd and Murphy to return, and Sylvia on the bench....


Sylvia to either daisy shield hodge
Or Cyril cloke neon
Or keep last trade


Sylvia to either daisy shield hodge
Or Cyril cloke neon
Or keep last trade



move sylvia into your fwd line via smith, mzungu or goodes and trade him there for fyfe/cloke/davis.