
Started by grant17, July 21, 2011, 03:12:32 PM

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Who should I upgrade to? Montagna or s Thompson? Monty would leave me with 60 k extra but Thompson has had a better year so far.
Thoughts? Will Montagna finish the year strong?


value wise Monty - last wk would've been better but still ok for this wk.

I think Saints have a reasonable draw and not likely Monty wil be rested as Saints strive for finals.

Thompson is the 'new' Boyd to me ... Mr Reliable, scores no matter how shower his team is doing ...

much of a muchness but Monty has the value - good luck!


I'd go with Montagna, but it's a bit of a toss up. Saints will come home hard, and will Dal Santo in such ripping form, as we saw last week Montagna, in his own words 'got off the chain a little bit'.

Thompson is still a gun, but he mainly smashes it at home, and I've heard on here I think that he has the majority of games away now. Haven't done my own research on that though, so don't quote me, but seen it somewhere.


at his price, montagna is a steal.