Trade Duffield?

Started by 97crows98, July 18, 2011, 11:16:41 AM

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I will be trading Heath Shaw this week as I was able to get the win last week without needing too. With tough games in all leagues to make top 4 I am also thinking of trading out Duffield. If I complete these two trades, my team will be finished and I will have 4 trades for finals. Other alternative is to go Harris to Deledio in mids & switch Deledio for either Buckley or Jacobs & keep Duffield.

My defense currently looks like this.

Gibbs, Goddard, Fisher, Adcock, Duffield, Puopolo, Otten (Shaw, Buckley, Jacobs)

Who do I bring in? 2 of Suckling, Birchall, Deledio, Broughton or Martin. I am not interested in Carlton or Geelong players due to their byes.

What would you do?


I'd check who the other teams in my league have...and trade in whoever they don't.

Otherwise, Suckling (should drop in price after this week).

Edit: I would probably hold off trading for a little while too, unless you have heaps of trades.


im a duffman owner and prob gonna hold him for a bit longer, at least until finals.

for those that saw the game yesterday, what was the deal with duff? the game note said he was head to head with kennedy in the midfield. is this correct? could he just not get near the footy or did he have a defensive role?


I was a Duffman owner but got rid of him for Josh Toy. Obviously disappointed with that, but more because of Toy than Duffield picking it up. His last 2 weeks shows he's just not the DT player he was and you'll get far more consistency out of Delideo or the two Hawks defenders Suckling & Burchill. Not selling Duff this week for any of them will be tough as Hawks play Melbourne and Freo have the Derby...

Quote from: tappy21 on July 18, 2011, 12:17:47 PM
for those that saw the game yesterday, what was the deal with duff? the game note said he was head to head with kennedy in the midfield. is this correct? could he just not get near the footy or did he have a defensive role?

Seems to me to be a defensive role, but he just hasn't been amongst the play I rarely see him in the broadcasts (but you need to go to the game to get a gauge of positions nowadays). If you aren't going for overall and don't need a good score to beat a League opponent, maybe you could hold until finals but definately save a trade and cash to upgrade him because he's looked a worry all season.


im keeping duffy. he's my D7 and things can happen, eg heath shaw, injuries etc. but the 2 i'd go with are suckling and birchall.


yeah if you have to trade then go to suckers or birch but otherwise keep duffy, he'll return just had a bad game.


Quote from: elephants on July 18, 2011, 02:49:42 PM
yeah if you have to trade then go to suckers or birch but otherwise keep duffy, he'll return just had a bad game.

He's had plenty of sub 75 scores this season which at this point of the season just isn't good enough.


Thats why i say if you have the trades you may as well but otherwise sit.