
Started by Chichos, July 06, 2011, 07:20:49 PM

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well the big issue the past few weeks has been the ruckman.

Last we week we had Dean Cox out with the bye and Aaron Sandilands out with another injury (toe). They both are the two best ruckman you can get.

Aaron Sandilands is out with a toe injury and expected to return in round 19. His current price is $379,500 and he has a break even of 163. You would be mad not to trade him.

The best ruckman to get in for Aaron Sandilands is Dean Cox (that is if you don't have him). He is having an awesome year and is averaging 111. His current price is $402,700 and has a break even of 140. Despite having such a big break even, still get him in because he will score high.

Matthew Lobbe is the best downgrade option you can go to for Aaron Sandilands. He has only played 2 games this season 94.5. He has shown that he can pull out 2 big scores 95 and 94 which means he will most likely be pretty consistent. He has a break even of -89 and his current price is $126,000. I can't see this guy pulling out big scores week in week out but in my eyes he seems the sort of player that will score 60-70 odd each week, but you never know i could be wrong. Definitely get him in for a downgrade option!

People are saying to get rid of Zach Smith. Your not going to make the wrong decision with this guy. You can trade him or you can keep him. Entirely up to you. I am sitting on the fence with thus guy but i am kinda leaning towards trading him. He costs $296,400 and has a break even of 106. He is capable of reaching a score like that! It is a tough decision what to do with him. (The best option would be to downgrade him to Matthew Lobbe if you don't already have him)

That is the big issues covered.

What is happening with other ruckman.

Drew Petrie produced a terrible score with 51, but you have to cut him some slack as he has made so many people a lot of money and showed how good is consistency is when he had is run of 100's (i think 4 or 5 in a row). He also was being double tagged or whatever you call it against St Kilda. His current price is $353,200 and has a break even of 122.

Todd Goldstein and Ben McEvoy are the 2 best unique ruckman out there. If you have any one of them in your team, then your doing well.


Jonathon Griffin has been the biggest surprise package this past month after scoring a massive 155 against gold coast. This is his best form and if you traded him in for Aaron Sandilands then you've done well.

Making some money (random order):

Max Bailey: $225,300 (+$127,700) B/E: 25 Ave: 68
Cameron Wood: $254,800 (+$69,000) B/E: 75 Ave: 72
Nathan Vardy $180,000 (+$82,400) B/E: 61 Ave:53
Andrew Browne: $201,700 (+$79,200) B/E: 71 Ave: 62
Zach Clarke $200,200 (+$46,600) B/E: 24 Ave: 62
David Hale $225,500 (+$40,700) B/E: 18  Ave: 60

That is all for ruckman, have any other issues just chuck us a comment.


Nice summary Chichos, sums it up well


Quote from: ossie85 on July 06, 2011, 08:44:27 PM

Nice summary Chichos, sums it up well
There'll still be a million threads about it though!
I'll be running with Cox/Petrie as my ruck combo for the rest of the season, with Hale and Lobbe as DPP links.