Sandilands downgrade

Started by swanny89, June 27, 2011, 12:31:00 AM

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Despite considering the trade when he was first injured I held Sandi, but given the re-injury am set to ship him out this week. Have A.Sandliands, D.Cox, Z. Smith and S. Jacobs, plus D. Petrie in the forward line. My thoughts are that I have 3 solid ruckmen then there, and if I downgrade to a FWD-RUCK who is borderline for a game/won't get many points I won't loose much because I can always swing Petrie into the ruck if need be. Me decision is, Sandi to:

D.Hale (low scorer)
M.Lobbe (low job security when brogan comes back)
J.Tippett (slighty more expensive & low consistency)


I was considering the same thing as I already have hale and petrie so was gonna leave hale on my fwd bench and downgrade sandi. But i need to give it more thought....

I think lobbe is the best option coz you will get a ton of cash! You still have smith to cover if lobbe doesn't play so get lobbe in and stick him on the fwd bench i reckon!


Firstly, I think you've got Joel Tippett confused with Kurt Tippett; Joel Tippett is only 114k and is rookie listed for the Suns and thus hasn't even got close to a game.

I'm in the same boat as you (Sandilands, Cox, Smith, Hale with Petrie up forward); I'm really not liking the possible sideways trades for Sandilands and I'm beginning to think taking the 250k and either Joel Tippett or Matthew Lobbe. I'm leaning toward Lobbe because with him there is at least a chance he'll play (as you mentioned)


Sorry, I did mean Kurt Tippett. I'm torn between Lobbe and Hale - Hale will probably play more games but isn't going to score very highly, Lobbe might knock up some higher scores but there would be a question mark over whether he plays many games. I suppose it doesn't really matter either way with Smith/Jacobs/Petrie all able to fill that 2nd ruck spot.


might as well get the cheapest forward ruck.


sandis gonna be a big issue this week. iv pesonally got cox, sandi, jtipp and mcauley so bring in petrie from the forward line when needed. the issue is whether to trade sandi to a solid sideways trade and keep petrie in the forward line or downgrade to a max bailey etc and then play petrie in the ruck and have extra bucks. im thinking the downgrade option will be good because theres not that many consistetnt high scoring ruckman.

in your situation as you have already solid ruckman i would just do a downgrade to j tippett maybe as you still have the 3 ruckman and can then bring petrie in if need be.


Quote from: swanny89 on June 27, 2011, 09:54:35 AM
Sorry, I did mean Kurt Tippett. I'm torn between Lobbe and Hale - Hale will probably play more games but isn't going to score very highly, Lobbe might knock up some higher scores but there would be a question mark over whether he plays many games. I suppose it doesn't really matter either way with Smith/Jacobs/Petrie all able to fill that 2nd ruck spot.

Personally I think you've got a solid three ruck combo plus Petrie so I'd go Lobbe/Tippett; Hale is 200k now and isn't worth the extra 80k IMO.


brogan to retire.
lobbe's js just sky rocketed.


Quote from: glam77 on June 28, 2011, 09:22:52 AM
brogan to retire.
lobbe's js just sky rocketed.

Brogan's retiring at the end of the year, Primus has said that when he's fit he will play ahead of Lobbe. The other question with his job security is that there are another 2 or 3 young rucks floating around too. They might rotate them to get game experience.

Would love to hear Primus come out and say that Lobbe is next in line, but if that doesn't happen I think I think go to Hale. Or hold Sandilands if his toe's not that bad...