How to get Swan?

Started by LaHug, June 27, 2011, 12:28:06 AM

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Just can't afford a straight swap of Bewick to Swan but can't afford to make two trades (down to 6).
I can, however, afford Mzungu or I. Smith to Swan. I won't lose my DPP link because I have Chappy in the mids covering Selwood as well as Mzungu bench in the mids and Smith bench in the forwards. Should I trade one of these guys for Swan? I'm thinking Mzungu. Thoughts would be appreciated.


Sounds like its time to show mzungu the door mate! Smith looks pretty solid so far and will rise in price more than mzungu imo.


also Mzungu's bye is earlier - slows his $$$ potential by a week.


You could still make some money out of Bewick too. I think the Lions might try to give him as much game time as possible with next season in mind...just a thought anyway


Yeah, that was my thoughts. Unless special circumstances arise, Mzungu will be leaving my team.


Mzungu to swan gives that extra premium, leaves 5 trades for cover, and smith looks like a good back up option. Swan looked very good first game back. Everything points to good trade.