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Started by GoldDigger, June 26, 2011, 04:10:15 AM

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I wanna know which rednecks round here did not see this SBS show.

I'm betting they don't read this thread!

Australia, Australia, Australia, I love you (well said Bruce, crack tubes). This show is making waves overseas - we are the most compassionate mob around - ask Jerry Lewis - who could do a union gig last few days, but was 'too crook' last night for the rich barbies! That's Amore, Jerry!

I'm waiting for a "making of": must have been hard to get it all to work.

Meanwhile, FU, Mr Rabbit, you skulking filthy running dog of capitalism. May your chooks turn into emus and kick yer dunny door down! (Thx Bazza McK and Dame Edna).

Viva l'Australie. Viva Democracie. Viva Jooooolie!

Stockdale a little tear tonight! He beat the phone fraud man - Reith (or is it Wreath?) They both got rich by defrauding Victorians and Aussies, so F them!


Don't forget - Bally-hoo is in the same business as Stockdale. Two of the least trusted professionals in the country - Politicians AND Real Estate Agents!


Quote from: GoldDigger on June 26, 2011, 04:10:15 AM
I wanna know which rednecks round here did not see this SBS show.

I'm betting they don't read this thread!

Pros, I didn't watch it. I'm not a redneck and plus, I'm reading this this thread....

Also, you may wanna read this article from The Age:

Thoughts on the show now?


I don't watch any reality TV show, no matter what the content, because they are far from "reality"

But I agree with your sentient Pros, this country has this strange sense of 'entitlement' where we think we have a right to a country, despite the fact that the vast majority of us come from people who did far worse than 'queue jump'

If we all showed some basic empathy, things would go far easier. Too many people in Australia are xenophobic.


As much as I agree that Australia isn't perfect on racial issues, especially cultural acceptance, we allow a freedom that very few countries do and there is very little deep racial hatred and violence. Every citizen is afforded the same rights regardless of race which is such a rare thing in the world and something I think most Australians are unaware of how rare it is.


Agree hawk, that Australia is very much a lucky, free and safe country.

But, unfortunately, not every citizen is treated the same.

In the Northern Territory for example, I don't think you can buy alcohol on Thursday night (pay day) if you're Aboriginal. Whatever the logic behind it, that is clear discrimination. Muslim schools struggle to get approval, while Christian schools don't ever have to worry about it.

But yes, Australia is a great place, I 100% agree. I just think we shouldn't just settle for being #1, we should continue to lead :)

But I am a bit of a lefty.


I agree ossie, we aren't perfect and we should never settle.

What gets me annoyed is all of the extreme news reports and people who go on like Australia is some sort of racial hotspot in the world.

My understanding of the alcohol ban is that entire communities can't purchase alcohol on thursdays, not just aboriginal people. Yes this rule is in place because of a cultural behaviour (extreme alcoholism) that is very much tied to aborignal people, but it is in place to help these communities socially in a similar way to the P plate rules that restrict driving with any alcohol in your system.

I am unsure about the schools issue, which is interesting because I work part time at a catholic school and you generally hear about such things. However, what I do know, is that if it could be proved that is happening and the reason is because of religion, jobs would have to be lost, compensation paid, etc.

I know that Jewish schools have had some issues getting schools approved compared to Catholic schools (which make up 1/3 of the schools in Victoria) and upon seeking help from the Catholic Education Office it was that their knowledge of the application process that was causing issues and given the amount of experience the Catholic system had it helped them through it. Not sure if this is the same thing as I said I am unware of the issue, but I would hope it is.

Interesting note, I recently learned that it is consisdered innapropriate to use 'Aboriginal' as a noun and should be used a an adjective, i.e. 'aboriginal people'. Is this common knowledge or is it just PC gone too far?