Forward Downgrade - Covering a Hole - Not worried about making/saving money

Started by KnightRyder, June 24, 2011, 04:30:30 PM

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Which forward to Downgrade to ?

3 (14.3%)
12 (57.1%)
3 (14.3%)
2 (9.5%)
Trust Kieran Harper to play this week
1 (4.8%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Hi Guys,

I am just wanting to download one of my benchies to cover a Hole that Franklin has left this week in my forward line.  I am leaning towards Howe because of his last couple of scores and he has been named in the centre and I am pretty sure he won't be the sub this week - or maybe even again this year.

I only really need someone this week because my 2 major covers are Matera and Tapscott and they are both at least another week away.  I am trading in Sylvia this week to finalise my team and if I get in one of these guys I will have nearly all of my benchies playing at the moment (K Harper is my other forward bench player and I dont trust him to play or not be the sub this week - and I want to win my league game this week - against my bogey team).

Anyway, simply choice, choose one and maybe give me a reason - cheers

I dont really need to save money, buy before price rise or anything like that, all I want is highest scoring and best job security!


callinan or dalh. the others have already had substantial price rises.


Go Dahl for now, and if you can (or if it suits) for Callinan in two weeks or so once he's on the bubble. Callinan's JS will be pretty good but you've got time... not so with Dahl being on the bubble.


Changed the title after the first two posts - Sorry Ziplock and Botak - would love to hear your thoughts when price rises and cost (under $200,000) aren't considerations.


Honestly, Dahl looks to have similar scoring potential as howe, just 60k cheaper. And since the dogs should be focusing on rebuilding atm, he should be guaranteed a fair amount of games.

Smith's JS at the Hawks is shaky at best, to keep him in they rely on others being injured- he had a flying game last week... but that was against GC. No thanks.

Callinan is a dpp, bottom priced and should have quite good JS as a mature aged rookie at a poor club.

Basically, for this week, this is the order I would rank them

Dahl- Callinan - Howe - Smith

if you only intend on one forward downgrade though then I would rank it

Callinan - Dahl - Howe - Smith.


My only concern with Callinan is that he will be the sub this week - which would screw my 'Top of the Table League Clash'.


Quote from: KnightRyder on June 24, 2011, 04:30:30 PMI am just wanting to download one of my benchies to cover a Hole that Franklin has left this week in my forward line.

Why wasn't I informed that we could download cover instead of using trades and money?!



dahl > callinan
callinan later if needed (when lance franklin gets suspended again)

stupid question:  what is JS?


Money not a concern? Damn wish I was in your shoes.

Howe looks good, strong overhead mark and Dees with an okay run in the finals.

Callinan gives you an extra MPP link to play probably also have Mzungu.

I was going to go Dahl, but rookies getting the support they need at the dogs looks tough.

Saving money would be good to help you to sideways in finals, to trade up to better performing prems to those you have....if you intend to have trades left for the finals that is.

I brought Calli in for Darling.  He was always on the radar since NAB cup, hope his muscle is glued on. :P




It's not that I have cash to burn, I just won't be upgrading any more so it's not like I am trying to save money. That's all!
