Hi Guy's im new at this, please help me with my SC team!!!!

Started by Mad-Max, February 19, 2011, 11:29:19 AM

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B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, A. Otten, D. Heppell, N. Duigan,

S. McKernan, C. Pedersen, P. Puopolo, 

D. Swan, C. Judd, J. Selwood, L.  Hodge, A. Swallow, D. Swallow,

B. Schammer, A. Gaff, M. Weller

K. Tippett, R. Campbell

Z. Smith, M.Bailey, 

N. Riewoldt, M. Pavlich, C. Rioli, P. Dangerfield, J. Watts, D. Petrie, A. Krakouer,

T. Banfield, T. Mzungu, I. Smith

$30,000 left 

I would appreciate any help..I have no idea what im diong, thanks.


Backline: Back's are good but i think you need another premium there like a Enright or Gillbee.

Midfield: Good mids but i would downgrade A.Swallow and put A.Gaff on the field and get a D.Harris or R.Conca instead of A.Swallow. Get rid of B.Schammer and get someone cheap like M.Wallis.

Rucks: Sorry not go. A must is Aaron Sandilands. And someone around $350,000 - $300,000 like Mitch Clark.

Fowards: OK forward line but a bit weak. Need another gun like Goodes or chapman.

Hope this helps.


not a bad team... i think too heavy in some spots, too weak in other.

first thing i'd do is find cash in the rucks! you need either sandi or cox as your #1. Tippett is a second ruck cause his scoring is generally very inconsistent. Robert Cambell is not a starter. you need to have 2 of cambell, zac smith or bailey, not 3 and not one starting.

i' drop some weight in the midfield... too many big guns. you need to remove one of swan, judd, selwood, hodge or a swallow and replace with a 300-400k cash cow. Somebody who should make a big improvement on last season. they'll make you money then you can replace them with the extra gun. id look at throwing in liam anthony or someone of that elk.

finally, dont have somebody worth more than 180k on your bench. therefore your forwards i'd lose todd banfield or watts and replace with somebody else cheaper like cameron richardson.

pretty good team just as i said a few little things out of proportion. The key is to have a balance between keepers, cash cows (upgraded mid range players) and cheap first years who will average well enough and also play enough games.

good luck!


On the whole I don't see a lot of problems with your player selection.

I think the overall balance could be problematic. You have a very strong midfield and weaker defence and attack. Generally you can rely on midfield rookies to make more money and be more plentiful so most people stack up on rookies there and have more premium players in forward or attack.

You also don't have any MPP, which are players that can play dual positions, and can be swapped with other players than can play duel positions. Goddard, Gibbs, Deledio and Heppell can all play defence/midfield. If you put one of those players in the midfield, you can then swap them. Same thing can be done between midfield and forward with Pav, Smith, Mzungu and Krakouer.

You might have people tell you that player A is a bad selection or you should have player B. Don't listen to them without doing some research and thinking about it yourself. You have to select a team based on who you think will perform otherwise every team ends up the same. There is no such thing as the right player, only a prediction that he is the right player, so you have to judge the validity of that prediction yourself.


Ok, well i’ll give you a quick summary of your team from each position (all my opinion though)-

BACKS: Quite decent, very similar to mine actually... Except instead of Duigan I have Adcock, who is 300k, you could maybe spend a bit more cash in your backline, just on that extra player, instead of having those three under 200k â€" one coming back from long term injury, and the other two haven’t played a home and away AFL match, unless you’re confident in their scoring. They both have to get games first!

MIDS: You’ve spent too much money in the mids. There are a lot of good first year mids that will score well enough to be on your bench. The like Of Shaun Atley, Mitch Wallis, Reece Conca, Tendai Mzungu, then there’s two more experienced players Sam Iles and Daniel Harris who have both played AFL before and are only 120k. Both are from the GC though and you already have 2 GC mids. A lot of people tend to have 3-4 premiums (you have 5, although they will score well!!) and then they generally have 2-3 cheapies on the field, whereas you have one. Byron Schammer averaged 82 in 09, but didn’t go so well last year, so instead of spending 180k for him to sit on the bench, you could quite easily find a 103-120k player that will score just as well, if not better and make more money.

RUCKS: You need to spend more money here. Having TIppett as your number one ruck probably isn’t the best idea. He had a terrible season last year, and he could come back, but have him you #2 at best. Then get rid of Campbell for someone like Sandilands, Ryder, Jolly, Cox... and you could keep TIppett if you wanted to. Don’t quote me on this, but I think Campbell is injured, and I’m not even sure what role he’s going to play in the team; Dean Bailey said either Stefan Martin or Jake Spencer will fill the #2 ruck spot at Melbourne, so Campbell either is security, will play a forward role, or play as a sub. Smith and Bailey are decent reserves, although Bailey has had three knee reconstructions so I am looking at someone like Tom Derickx from Richmond who could snap up their #2 ruck spot.

FORWARDS: Your forward line is pretty decent except I’m still not sold on Jack Watts, not yet anyway, and at his 260k price tag there are other options around. Someone like Chris Knights is coming off and injury, but he is really cheap and he is a proven scorer when he is fit. Krakouer has shown a bit, but I don’t know how well he’ll score if he just plays in the forward line, watch the NAB Cup to see if he gets some midfield rotations. Todd Banfield is way to expensive to be sitting on your bench. You may as well just pop Banfield on the field and trade Watts out for a cheapie, or vise versa.

So in the long run, don’t have 5 premiums (lock in players that you expect to score well and not trade out), have 4 premiums max, and then 2 cheapies, or a mid priced player and a cheapie  (David Swallow is fine). Then trade down either Banfield or Watts to a cheap player worth 91k-150k and use the fund from both those trade down to either get one more dearer player in the backs, but you definitely need to upgrade your rucks as well. You might have cash to upgrade one in each.

I hope that is all helpful.


I think those responses were all pretty similar, so you should get the jist of what's going on :D

Damoz Merry Men

Tippet is a waste of money, gotta get Sandilands into your Team!


Good Luck in SC!


MadMax did you copy my name because it was such a great name???? I like your team but I would downgrade one of Selwood Judd or Swan to a cheaper premium and upgrade Tippet in the ruck for a start.


Def: Not too bad. Not sure if Duigan is a starter. You should consider at least one more premium or mid-pricer and this can be down by spending less in your midfield which will be addressed in the next section.

Mids: you've spent far too much money in your midfield and this has caused an imbalance to the rest of the team, particularly your rucks. Most people have 3-4 premiums in their midfield with 2-3 starting rookies. Look at downgrading at least your number 5 midfielder to a rookie. B Schammer is wasted on your bench and needs to be downgraded to add more $ to your starting line-up.

Rucks: One glaring weakness is the lack of money spent on your rucks. Try to either get 2 premiums as your number 1 and 2 rucks OR at least a premium and mid-pricer for your 2 rucks. E.g Sandi & Cox = 2 premiums OR Sandi & Tippett = 1 premium and 1 mid-pricer

Forwards: Forward line Looks ok. Todd Banfield is a waste on your bench and could be used to upgrade someone like Jack Watts or Danger OR alternatively, start Todd Banfield and downgrade Watts or Danger.

Overall, a lot of decent players chosen. But your structure is not balanced and hopefully the points I've raised as well as feedback from the others will help you.


Thnank you so much to everyone who replied, I have now made a few changes to my team and was wondering if I could possibly get some more feedback... Sorry Guy's I just have no idea!!!!

B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, B. Deledio, J. Grimes, A. Otten, D. Heppell, L. Gilbee

S. McKernan, P. Puopolo, N. Duigan

D. Swan, C. Judd, J. Selwood, P. Dangerfield, D. Swallow, B. Schammer

A. Gaff, D. Harris, L. Parker

D. Cox, Z. Smith

M.Bailey, R. Campbell

N. Riewoldt, M. Pavlich, C. Rioli, A. Goodes, C. Sylvia, D. Petrie, C. Knights

B. Matera, T. Mzungu, I. Smith

$36,800 left 
