The Dillema

Started by Holz, June 14, 2011, 04:45:05 PM

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Selwood to Murphy   and Knights keeper
3 (14.3%)
Selwood to Gaz        and a small chance i might be able to go knights to slyvia/pav
9 (42.9%)
Selwood to Mitchell  and Knights to Sylvia + 30k
7 (33.3%)
Selwood to Mitchell and Knights to Pav     + 30k
2 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 0


Quote from: Windigo on June 14, 2011, 05:19:15 PM
Still think he would be a good pickup. No more byes is an added +

he is back into consideration. If i could get him in and sylvia i wouldt even have to think about it. nigths will go down big this week so this is the week i have to do it.


With selwood now gone i have to dfinetaley drop him but with all the ins this week i actually have cover, so im free to upgrade knights if i get in mitchell.