Trade advice Bring in ROK or wait for Sylvia to bottom out

Started by kkillers, June 07, 2011, 10:39:11 PM

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Been using trades to get the best team in as soon as possible which means i am down to 9 trades left.
I know in my head this says stop trading but i am a trade aholic its been just over 4 days since my last trade.

I have 340k Left in the bank and only chasing a league win against work colleagues
Currently sitting top of the league with 7 wins 1 loss

My team looks like

Backs: Goddard , Gibbs , H.Shaw , Deledio , Adcock , Heppell , Lower (Stanley , Puopolo, Jacobs)
Mids: Pendlebury , A.Swallow , Bartel ,J.Sellwood, Hodge , Hibberd (Swan , Harris , I Smith)
Rucks: Cox , Z.Smith (Sandilands , J Tippet)
Fwds: Goodes , N. Reiwoldt , Petrie , Knights, Chapman , Darling , Higgins (Tapscott , Richardson, Mzungu)

I was thinking if i Trade Harris for Rok I could use ROK in the midfield to bolster me while Swan is away and then helps the week after when Pendles is also away.

When Pendles and Swan return I switch Rok down to the fwds and bench Darling. (also if sandi isnt back in round 15 it allows me to put petrie into the ruck with smith for cover for cox). Sydneys next bye is a non - league event so pratically he is set unless injured

The trade will set me back 140k leaving me 200k for another upgrade.

My other option is to do NO TRADE.. Wait and see Sylvia will continue to drop this week and probably next I should be able to DPP cover to get by wont be no massive scores but competitive. When Sylvia hits bottom I can jump on him bring him in in about 2 weeks time. It means i save my trades for a bit and sylvia would probably average a bit higher than ROK.

Of course every trade from here on end will be extremely hard to decide having so few left.. My personal feeling says to hold off I am playing a good team but I got the feeling my current team will beat him.


was looking really hard at rok a few weeks ago when he was around 300k and bottomed out but decided not to because he burnt me last year with his rollercoaster form and i swear every week since then he has scored 100+. Id get him. sylvia might be out for a while or be restricted his knee will trouble him for a while


Keep away from injury prone players!
Bring in ROK.
He is most likely my next forward upgrade


If your gut feeling says you'll win this week without the trade then don't waste a trade. If you're 7-1 you'll definitely make the finals.

Focus on your team for R21 not now. If you want ROK during your finals then you've solved your own riddle



Yeah 7-1, i wouldnt fret. Sylvia will be better value in a few weeks.


I'm waiting 2 more weeks and Sylvia will come in, the Dees still have 1 more bye but he has had a great year.

Both can go missing at times, but I have goodes so prefer to get Sylvia