Swallow --> Thompson, Libba --> ??

Started by BillyPil, June 07, 2011, 08:42:07 PM

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I want to make the trade this week as I have a tough league match-up and Thompson stands out for me as he has his bye in the multi round. I am NOT going for overall (sitting just outside 1,000).  14 trades left

No money in the bank, so can downgrade Libba and upgrade Swallow or vice versa.
Who should I downgrade Libba to?

Current midfield: Pendles, Swan, Boyd, Bartel, Gibbs, Swallow (Mzungu. Libba, Bewick)

My forward line, should it be relevant is: Fyfe, Goodes, Buddy, Sylvia, N.Riewoldt, Knights, Darling (Matera, Prestia, I.Smith)

Thanks for your thoughts fellas!


Knights>stevie j

Master Q

Marc Murphs a possibility.

Also, don't burn to many trades  ;)

Good Luck.



Those are your choices. Cowan (gee), Nicholson (melb), or find a first gamer that you like the look of. I'd wait till Thurs and see if either of them isn't named. If you have the choice of both then go Nicholson.


Fireballz is that page linked from the homepage? Very handy, thanks.

Master Q - Given my trade situation I'd only have to trade Murph out again in the league finals, which is why I wasn't considering him. I am conscious of my remaining trades.

Is Stevie J really the best bet? I'm thinking Knights has had two poor-ish games but before that was very solid.

All interesting points, so keep em coming!