Boak to Pendles/Boyd

Started by JBs-Hawks, June 07, 2011, 02:41:50 PM

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Good trade or too sideways?

Head Coach

depends on the rest of your team... if you've finished your team and have trades to burn then its an option... but im guessing thats not the case. Boyd would be a sideways trade imo but pendles to a lesser extent...


Backs and forwards are done, just mids are very shaky

Swan, Bartel, Hodge, A Swallow, Boak, Heppell, (Harris, Bewick Iles)


to be fair, sideways trades can be good moves too, sometimes. Trading Boak to pendles/ boyd makes you 20-30 ppg. Seems worthwhile to me.


Definitely a good trade but if you have somewhere else to fix first, you can wait until after the Collingwood bye and then get Pendles.


Go with the Boak to Pendles trade very good trade then i would be getting Heppel into your backs and make your last mid upgrade to Boyd when u can !


I have Boak and I really don't want to off load him. He's been getting consistent 80's. Not great I know, but in a dominant team you would looking to bring him in.......



Just had a look.

Could get in Rischatelli & Sam Fisher this week if I trade Boak...... :'(


I woudnt trade out boak unless it was for Pendles Boyd or Selwood everything else is probably not a big enough upgrade to warrant a trade.

I would bring in Pendles ahead of the others, but boyd is good value at the moment the ionly problem is will the dogs continue to struggle.



Boak is interesting. Being a Port supporter i refuse to have more than 2 in my team at any time, but Boak will keep playing well, as he probably wants GWS to sign him for $$$. :(


Boak is playing well. In a poor side. When I got him, It was more of a heart choice, than a brain choice.  ::)