Higgins or wait for Sylvia?

Started by Carnthedockers, June 06, 2011, 07:20:55 PM

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Im looking to fill my last forward spot and im in the top 150, should i trade darling to Higgins or wait a few weeks for Sylvia to come down?


How much cash do you have to upgrade?


Sorry, 325,100, double trade not really an option as there is a lack of downgrade options presently. Obviously Sylvia is unlikely to get this low so will need to double trade when he comes down.


who are you trading to get higgins/sylvia in?



I'd wait for Sylvia in 2weeks he should be very cheap. U prob still need to double trade.

However if u take the punt on Higgins it could pay off. U prob won't get Higgins much cheaper after next week.