Mzungu vs Jacobs

Started by Bill Manspeaker, June 03, 2011, 01:36:04 AM

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Bill Manspeaker

who gets my 6th midfield spot this week? i was thinking Mzungu

any thoughts?



Get both in your team, but play Mzungu first.


I've got both  ;D

But if I had to choose one now in round 11 I'd go with mzungu, he's cheaper.


Im playing the Gu over Krak this week hope it doesn't backfire on me, time will tell


Considering mzungu scored 85 points in a 50 point demolition job i think he is pretty safe to get at least 70 :)


If you think Mzungu go Mzungu don't let other even have a chance of changing your mind. I only ask questions like this when I really have no idea. Its your team not everyone elses so unless you really have no idea go with your gut first

Bill Manspeaker

yeah i already got 'em both :P just wasn't sure who to chuck on the field.

cheers guys i reckon i'll stick with Mzungu