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Started by RiOtChEsS, May 28, 2011, 03:14:42 PM

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hope you get it sorted marcz but....

what is that massive hill in the background?? hahaa


thanks Ossie and Le :) just off the phone again and we r meeting with a bunch of engineers to workout a solution tomorrow...

ur absolutely right too Oss too many ppl want to handball blame and not be accountable, we all make mistakes thats a given but being ignorant to it is only gonna make things worst... this is a good example for them(oakford) to redevelop their procedures, like sending out a rep first and stating their intentions, hell of a lot cheaper than paying a company to do a job then comeback dig it all up and relocate it, i was always fairly certain the thing would be moved, but its the process that stings, the we wont even tell them bcos we know they wont like it so lets just go ahead with it and deal with the consequences later, perhaps in the past ppl have accepted this sort of thing and thats why it played out this way :-\

ps they really should be embarrassed my pizza place has better procedures than this:
if i cannot decipher ur order address or there is an issue with either i will ring u...
if i cannot contact u via phone i will send a driver straight to ur house to confirm the details...
i will not waste time and money sending u something u do not want that i will have to replace anyway :-X

CFC 1979

         New estate ? Looks fairly new.
         Anyway storm water drainage easements ( as well as any other ) are not negotiable.
         This easement should have been on the block plans when purchased.
         The water board has that easement and all housing planning needs to factor it in. It cannot be moved without         
         approval from the relative water board which would not happen anyway due to the risk to the water authority.
         If this is a developer of the estate telling you it can be moved i think he may find he is wrong as the estate
         doesn't own the pipe infrastructure --- the water authority does. It could be an expensive mistake on his part.
         This peanut civil contractor needs to put it back where he found it.
         Our house ( on a 1990 estate ) has a storm water easement through the back of it  and we cannot build over it
          nor block access to it. If we do and it needs repairs then our entire fence line and anything in the way of access
          can be pulled down ( mainly enforced through the courts ).
          Easements are easements and have been paid for by the authority.

          If he gives you strife i would contact the water authority in your area and make them aware.

          If anyone else knows different can you let Marcz know


thanks very much CFC thats some great info :) 3 independent engineers r coming tomorrow to discuss it with us, im hoping this will help put oakford back in their box, what they dont know is i went to school with one of them and he is friends with my wife, which should help sway it our way aswell, il be printing this little bit of info off tho so i can keep it handy at the meeting 8)

once again thanks for the heads up il be sure to keep u all posted and i appreciate the support guys cheers ;)

CFC 1979

no probs Marcz

hopefully it helps but it may pay to contact the water authority before the meeting and explain the situation.

They should be able to give you ammo to go into the meeting with

good luck


well well well pinning ppl down is the way to go... after '3 engineers" were supposed to come and nothing happened i tracked down the council member in charge of it, so the agenda driven whore mongers oakford only just notified the council of what they did yesterday via email, when oakford said the council wanted it moved to us... my advice to anyone is forget ur phone u will be treated like an insignificant statistic, find the ppl responsible and state ur case calmly, the council were also not notified of our opposition to the current position of where it is now and r disgusted with the process... compensation for this will be sort and today tonight aca warm up ur cameras >:(


Why is something so damn simple so complicated? I'd be fuming Marcz, absolutely fuming.


im seething ;) not exactly visible like fuming, il try and keep my head screwed on as im more likely to be heard...

it certainly explains why the maSSive backlash over me using the word agenda bcos it hit the nail on the head and now i have the council onboard im hoping it can be adjusted to suit everyones needs, the council member already guaranteed me that it will be mesh covered regardless of how it turns out so the potential hazardous side of things r locked away...

process and compensation however is another matter altogether...

Oakford told me today they were coming to back fill it, i lol'd and said u will be burying a live person as il be chained to it...

now all work has been stalled until atleast monday when the council member can come back and look at it with all the facts, so that was a small win for the little guy...


Keep on (Pardon the Pun) top of it Chief


Quote from: naste on June 03, 2011, 01:11:51 PM
Keep on (Pardon the Pun) top of it Chief
will do Jack ;)


 :o Just read all that what a bunch of ***** feel for ya   >:(


big companies have been squashing the less wealthy since :-X

the deepest pocket usually has their agenda satisfied regardless of rules or law...

unless u run into a really stubborn bloke that will not lay down and will leave no stone unturned ;)


HAHA go get em  8)