Which line to upgrade?

Started by Slammer, June 01, 2011, 10:31:21 AM

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Hello all,

Can someone please help me decide where is the best for me to upgrade this week.
Was thinking of Matera to Mzungu.
Do I then upgrade Harris to Hodge, Tapscott to SJ or Silvia or Duigan to Shaw/Fisher/Enright
$120K 15 trades.

B:Goddard, Gibbs, Lids, Suckling, Murphy, Lower, Heppell (Duigan, Jacobs, Stanley )
M: Swan, Pendles, Judd, Mundy, Cross, Harris (Bewick, Prestia, Buckley)
R: Cox, Smith (Sandi, Tippett)
F: Buddy. N.Roo, J.Roo, Goodes, Fyfe, Darling, Krakourer (Matera, Tapscott, Siposs)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


That is a tough one. I'd almost say upgrade to Shaw, but you already have a lot of pies.... Since you'll need backup when Pendles/Swans have a rest, I'd say Harris --> Hodge


Quote from: ossie85 on June 01, 2011, 11:10:37 AM

That is a tough one. I'd almost say upgrade to Shaw, but you already have a lot of pies.... Since you'll need backup when Pendles/Swans have a rest, I'd say Harris --> Hodge



Quote from: ossie85 on June 01, 2011, 11:10:37 AM

That is a tough one. I'd almost say upgrade to Shaw, but you already have a lot of pies.... Since you'll need backup when Pendles/Swans have a rest, I'd say Harris --> Hodge

Yeah thanks Ossie. It has me stumped. Could get Shaw with view to offload Krakourer to premium using Tappy prior to the pies bye but not sure on rookies coming through for downgrade.
Backline is not too bad and with the current inconsistencies I could hold off on that prem upgrade and grab Hodge while at his price. Just hoping his achilles holds up. Descisions Decisions.
Have also thought about offloading Prestia to get Hodge and hang onto Matera for a bit longer until another downgrade option becomes available. But then only pocket $29 instead of over $100K.


I wouldnt be getting anymore players from teams that have the byes during finals...
You have lots of options

Out----> Duigan / Tapscott / Matera / Harris / Krak
In-----> Mzungu / Fisher / Priddis / S.Thompson / Sylvia / Evans / Delaney / Grundy


Quote from: bowyanger on June 01, 2011, 12:19:51 PM
I wouldnt be getting anymore players from teams that have the byes during finals...
You have lots of options

Out----> Duigan / Tapscott / Matera / Harris / Krak
In-----> Mzungu / Fisher / Priddis / S.Thompson / Sylvia / Evans / Delaney / Grundy
+1 lots of opportunities as you are now probably looking at finalising team like all of us one tack I am taking this year is looking at draw of possible targets for finals and bringing in who I think will score the most points during this period based on the opposition.  Throws up lots of interesting scenarios when going for league win and this is one of the reasons I am seriously considering Hodge given that his last game is against GC,


Upgrade your defence. Harris can wait another week.


in recent years the backline has been good for scores but with the evolution of footy with the forward press they are up and down. you have pretty much your whole backline playing, maybe cull one for cash or something but i'd upgrade your backs last. i think this because even the likes of an enright is below 400k!! you could almost do straight swaps to finalise your backline imo towards the back end of season. bring in another prem mid mate and then sort your forward line IMO.
i wouldn't consider trading prestia he has not made you enough, keep the mpp. one thing i've noticed is you don't have deledio. just food for thought here, trade him into your mid, you can eventually place him in your backline, and you have hepel, jacobs and buckley to upgrade to a prem mid once they ripen by using the mpp link. only trading one will still mean you have C/B mpp coverage. buckley would prob be the most ideal to chop, i think jacobs will be great bench cover and heppel will prob be most ppls D7 if he maintains a 90 average.
so maybe harris out for deledio, then bring in another prem mid in a few weeks for buckley with his BE of 29 this week.
hope this helps its good to get all sorts of oppinions! good luck m8!


well i'm a $%^&!!! you have deledio. i'm stuggling today, ignore me m8 i'll retire from posting for the rest of the day!! sorry!


Despite the brain fart Torress, I do agree with you that the back-line options are so sparce this year, that it is worth leaving that until last to upgrade.


Quote from: ossie85 on June 01, 2011, 02:28:50 PM

Despite the brain fart Torress, I do agree with you that the back-line options are so sparce this year, that it is worth leaving that until last to upgrade.

Thanks guys. Looks like it will be Matera to Mzungu and Harris to Hodge