"Guru" scores - what's a good target?

Started by Lethal, February 24, 2009, 05:55:51 AM

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I don't really understand how the "Guru" scores are calculated but, in any case, what sort of "Guru" scores are being achieved for an entire DT?  The best that I have been able to manage is about 1,840 and my current line-up comes in at 1810.  Even allowing for an extra 100 points from a Captain, that suggests all-up scores of about mid-1900 points, which will be well off what's required to break into Top 1,000, Top 100, etc.  Anyone been able to get their "Guru" score up over 1,900 points?


don't base your team around what the Guru reckons.. its more of a guide.. i think (don't quote me) that he looks at how the player did against the team they are playing and then adjusts a little.. this means that the Guru is predicting your Rd1 score only.. not the average score.. your Rd2 might be well up...


Pay no attention to R1 'guru' scores.

You have 22 rounds of footy to contend with and you need to build a side that will go the distance.


Yes the Guru just goes on the players average against that opposition and tweaks it around a little bit, most of the players will most likely perform alot different to there last years average so dont base your team around the Guru.


Apologies for my ignorance, but where do I find this "GURU" projected scores thingy.


just go to the fanplanner link on the main homepage